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Original Article
The Relationship among Subjective Health Status, Wisdom, and Self-care Agency in Korean Older Adults
Mijin Yu1, Hee Jung Kim2
Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing 2015;26(4):355-363.
Published online: December 12, 2015

1Department of Nursing, Yong-Nam Foreign Language College, Gyeongsan, Korea

2College of Nursing, Catholic University of Daegu, Daegu, Korea

Corresponding author: Yu, Mijin Department of Nursing, Yong-Nam Foreign Language College, 780-9 Namcheon-ro, Namcheon-myeon, Gyeongsan 712-717, Korea. Tel: +82-53-810-0164, Fax: +82-53-810-7779, E-mail:
• Received: August 2, 2015   • Revised: October 24, 2015   • Accepted: December 15, 2015

Copyright © 2015 Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing

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  • Purpose
    This study identified the relationships among subjective health status, wisdom, and self-care agency of Korean older adults.
  • Methods
    The participants were 274 older adults from Daegu, aged over 65 years. Data were collected by visiting two social welfare centers, two senior welfare centers, and nine senior centers in Daegu from January 18 to February 5, 2013. Data were analyzed through one-way ANOVA, independent t-test, Pearson's correlation, and stepwise multiple linear regression using the IBM SPSS/WIN 19.0 statistical program.
  • Results
    A significant positive correlation was found among older adults’ subjective health status, wisdom, and self-care agency. Self-care agency was affected by wisdom (47%, β=.55), the physical component summary (18%, β=.31) and mental component summary (1%, β=.12) of subjective health status, and the absence of disease (2%, β=.13).
  • Conclusion
    This study suggests that nursing interventions to promote self-care agency in older adults should be developed based on the characteristics of their subjective health status and wisdom.
Table 1.
The Differences in Self-care Agency according to the General Characteristics of the Participants
Characteristics Categories n (%) M±SD t or F (p)
Gender Male 116 (42.34) 129.32±31.31 1.79
Female 158 (57.66) 134.63±33.27 (.182)
Age (year) 65~69a 81 (29.56) 139.06±32.13 12.75
70~79b 140 (51.09) 135.79±32.30 (<.001)
≥80c 53 (19.34) 113.17±26.30 a, b>c
Education level Uneducateda 119 (43.43) 126.38±30.49 7.35
Elementaryb 89 (32.48) 129.18±34.24 (<.001)
Middle schoolc 41 (14.96) 143.90±28.87 a, b<d
Over high schoold 25 (9.12) 153.48±29.18 a<c
Spouse Yes 135 (49.27) 140.29±31.62 16.65
No 139 (50.73) 124.71±31.60 (<.001)
Household type Alonea 83 (30.29) 124.42±29.68 5.83
A coupleb 104 (37.96) 140.63±32.46 (<.001)
With unmarried childrenc 16 (5.84) 115.56±37.18 a<b
With married childrend 64 (23.36) 136.47±31.33  
With the other partnere 7 (2.55) 105.43±18.58  
Job Yes 37 (13.50) 140.30±28.64 2.55
No 237 (86.50) 131.15±32.95 (.111)
Economic status Beneficiary of basic livelihooda 17 (6.20) 108.00±28.22 22.24
Low classb 109 (39.78) 118.53±28.70 (<.001)
Middle classc 118 (43.07) 144.01±30.15 a, b<c, d
High classd 30 (10.95) 150.80±28.27  
Social activity Participation 111 (40.51) 144.50±30.78 28.57
None participation 163 (59.49) 124.13±31.10 (<.001)
Disease Yes 183 (66.79) 128.40±31.57 8.51
No 91 (33.21) 140.40±33.04 (.004)
Table 2.
The Degrees of Subjective Health Status, Wisdom and Self-care Agency in the Participants
Variables M±SD Possible range Observed range
PCS on the subjective health status 47.13±8.82 0~100 30.00~60.14
   Physical functioning 44.75±11.03   21.18~57.54
   Role-physical 47.21±10.21   21.23~57.16
   Bodily pain 49.51±10.72   26.52~62.00
   General health 43.46±12.23   18.95~66.50
MCS on the subjective health status 48.05±10.86 0~100 30.00~62.73
   Vitality 49.56±13.08   22.89~70.42
   Social functioning 45.81±11.25   17.23~57.34
   Role-emotional 45.55±11.37   14.39~56.17
   Mental health 47.09±13.90   11.63~63.95
Wisdom 75.19±16.37 27~108 40~104
   Empathic emotion 2.89±0.62 1~4 1.36~3.91
   Self-reflection 2.70±0.67 1~4 1.22~3.89
   Experience of overcoming adversity in life 2.75±0.70 1~4 1.29~4.00
Self-care Agency 132.38±32.50 34~204 62~191
   Cognitive orientation 3.93±1.02 1~6 1.73~5.73
   Physical skill 3.85±0.99 1~6 1.56~5.67
   Decision-making and judgment process 3.82±1.16 1~6 1.40~6.00
   Information seeking behavior 3.79±1.02 1~6 1.00~6.00
   Perception to self-regulation 3.89±1.25 1~6 1.00~6.00
   Attention of self-management 3.12±0.85 1~6 1.00~4.50

PCS=Physical component summary; MCS=Mental component summary.

Table 3.
Correlations among Subjective Health Status, Wisdom, and Self-care Agency in the Participants (N=274)
Variables Self-care agency
r (p) r (p) r (p)
PCS .64 (<.001)    
MCS .61 (<.001) .79 (<.001)  
Wisdom .69 (<.001) .37 (<.001) .39 (<.001)
Table 4.
The Effect of Subjective Health Status and Wisdom on Self-care Agency
Variables B SE β t p Adj. R2
(Constant) −24.23 6.84   3.54 <.001  
Wisdom 1.10 0.08 .55 14.07 <.001 .47
PCS 1.16 0.21 .31 5.43 <.001 .18
Disease (No) 8.69 2.60 .13 3.34 .001 .02
MCS 0.35 0.17 .12 1.97 .050 .01
Adj. R2=.68, F=144.67, p<.001.

Dummy variables.

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      We recommend
      The Relationship among Subjective Health Status, Wisdom, and Self-care Agency in Korean Older Adults
      The Relationship among Subjective Health Status, Wisdom, and Self-care Agency in Korean Older Adults
      Characteristics Categories n (%) M±SD t or F (p)
      Gender Male 116 (42.34) 129.32±31.31 1.79
      Female 158 (57.66) 134.63±33.27 (.182)
      Age (year) 65~69a 81 (29.56) 139.06±32.13 12.75
      70~79b 140 (51.09) 135.79±32.30 (<.001)
      ≥80c 53 (19.34) 113.17±26.30 a, b>c
      Education level Uneducateda 119 (43.43) 126.38±30.49 7.35
      Elementaryb 89 (32.48) 129.18±34.24 (<.001)
      Middle schoolc 41 (14.96) 143.90±28.87 a, b<d
      Over high schoold 25 (9.12) 153.48±29.18 a<c
      Spouse Yes 135 (49.27) 140.29±31.62 16.65
      No 139 (50.73) 124.71±31.60 (<.001)
      Household type Alonea 83 (30.29) 124.42±29.68 5.83
      A coupleb 104 (37.96) 140.63±32.46 (<.001)
      With unmarried childrenc 16 (5.84) 115.56±37.18 a<b
      With married childrend 64 (23.36) 136.47±31.33  
      With the other partnere 7 (2.55) 105.43±18.58  
      Job Yes 37 (13.50) 140.30±28.64 2.55
      No 237 (86.50) 131.15±32.95 (.111)
      Economic status Beneficiary of basic livelihooda 17 (6.20) 108.00±28.22 22.24
      Low classb 109 (39.78) 118.53±28.70 (<.001)
      Middle classc 118 (43.07) 144.01±30.15 a, b<c, d
      High classd 30 (10.95) 150.80±28.27  
      Social activity Participation 111 (40.51) 144.50±30.78 28.57
      None participation 163 (59.49) 124.13±31.10 (<.001)
      Disease Yes 183 (66.79) 128.40±31.57 8.51
      No 91 (33.21) 140.40±33.04 (.004)
      Variables M±SD Possible range Observed range
      PCS on the subjective health status 47.13±8.82 0~100 30.00~60.14
         Physical functioning 44.75±11.03   21.18~57.54
         Role-physical 47.21±10.21   21.23~57.16
         Bodily pain 49.51±10.72   26.52~62.00
         General health 43.46±12.23   18.95~66.50
      MCS on the subjective health status 48.05±10.86 0~100 30.00~62.73
         Vitality 49.56±13.08   22.89~70.42
         Social functioning 45.81±11.25   17.23~57.34
         Role-emotional 45.55±11.37   14.39~56.17
         Mental health 47.09±13.90   11.63~63.95
      Wisdom 75.19±16.37 27~108 40~104
         Empathic emotion 2.89±0.62 1~4 1.36~3.91
         Self-reflection 2.70±0.67 1~4 1.22~3.89
         Experience of overcoming adversity in life 2.75±0.70 1~4 1.29~4.00
      Self-care Agency 132.38±32.50 34~204 62~191
         Cognitive orientation 3.93±1.02 1~6 1.73~5.73
         Physical skill 3.85±0.99 1~6 1.56~5.67
         Decision-making and judgment process 3.82±1.16 1~6 1.40~6.00
         Information seeking behavior 3.79±1.02 1~6 1.00~6.00
         Perception to self-regulation 3.89±1.25 1~6 1.00~6.00
         Attention of self-management 3.12±0.85 1~6 1.00~4.50
      Variables Self-care agency
      r (p) r (p) r (p)
      PCS .64 (<.001)    
      MCS .61 (<.001) .79 (<.001)  
      Wisdom .69 (<.001) .37 (<.001) .39 (<.001)
      Variables B SE β t p Adj. R2
      (Constant) −24.23 6.84   3.54 <.001  
      Wisdom 1.10 0.08 .55 14.07 <.001 .47
      PCS 1.16 0.21 .31 5.43 <.001 .18
      Disease (No) 8.69 2.60 .13 3.34 .001 .02
      MCS 0.35 0.17 .12 1.97 .050 .01
      Adj. R2=.68, F=144.67, p<.001.
      Table 1. The Differences in Self-care Agency according to the General Characteristics of the Participants (N=274)

      Table 2. The Degrees of Subjective Health Status, Wisdom and Self-care Agency in the Participants (N=274)

      PCS=Physical component summary; MCS=Mental component summary.

      Table 3. Correlations among Subjective Health Status, Wisdom, and Self-care Agency in the Participants (N=274)

      Table 4. The Effect of Subjective Health Status and Wisdom on Self-care Agency (N=274)

      Dummy variables.

      RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing