To investigate the factors influencing health promoting behavior in college students and to provide a basic data for developing an effective health promotion program.
The subjects were 711 college students living in Jecheon city and were selected using a convenience sampling method. The instruments used in this study included the Health Promoting Lifestyle Profile developed by Walker et al.(1987), Perceived Health Status developed by Lawston et al.(1982), Self-Esteem scale developed by Rosenberg(1965), Self-Efficacy scale developed by Becker et al. (1993), and Health Locus of Control developed by Wallston et al.(1978). The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, pearson correlation coefficient, and stepwise multiple regression using SPSS/WIN program.
1) The mean score of health promoting behavior was 2.39 point out of 4. In terms of sub-domains of health promoting behavior, self-actualization(2.78) showed the highest mean score, followed by interpersonal support(2.75), stress management(2.38), nutrition(2.11), exercise(2.04), and health responsibility (1.97). 2) The health promoting behavior had significantly positive correlations with self-efficacy, powerful others health locus of control, internal health locus of control, chance health locus of control, and perceived health status. 3) In the relationship between general characteristics and health promoting behavior, health promoting behavior was significantly different by gender(t=2.17, p= .03), and financial status of parents (F=10.79, p= .00). 4) The most powerful predictor of health promoting behavior was self-efficacy. A combination of self-efficacy, self-esteem, powerful others health locus of control, and sex accounted for 40.4% of the total variance in health promoting behavior.
The findings of this study showed that health responsibility and exercise were the domains where the college student showed relatively lower scores than other domains, self-efficacy was the most important predictor of health promoting behavior. Therefore, it is suggested that health promoting programs should focus on health responsibility, and exercise. Nursing strategies that can enhance self-efficacy should also be developed in order to promote healthy lifestyles in college students.