1Assistant Professor, Sungshin Women's University, College of Nursing, Seoul, Korea.
2School Health Teacher, Sinmok Elementary School, Seoul, Korea.
3Health Teacher, Hongeun Middle School, School, Seoul, Korea.
4Research Fellow, Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, Seoul, Korea.
5Educational Researcher, Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education, Seoul, Korea.
6Assistant Professor, Woosuk University, Department of Nursing, Wanju, Korea.
7Part-time Lecturer, University of Ulsan, Department of Nursing, Ulsan, Korea.
Copyright © 2012 Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing
SM=stress management; VCP=vocal cord protection; HPC=health problems counselling; HM=hypertension management; SDM=skeletal disease management; DM=diabetes management; WC=weight control; SS=stop smoking; SD=stop drinking; IDP=infectious disease prevention; E=nutrition education; SM=sleep management; Elem.=elementary school.
†Multiple response
DTC=detailed test of cancer; VDC=vocal cord disease; DD=digestive disease; CVD=cardio-vascular disease; BD=brain disease; RD=respiratory disease; ED=endocrine disease; VV=varicose vein; GUD=genito-urinary disease; CD=climacteric disease; MSD=musculo-skeletal disease.
SM=stress management; VCP=vocal cord protection; HPC=health problems counselling; HM=hypertension management; SDM=skeletal disease management; DM=diabetes management; WC=weight control; SS=stop smoking; SD=stop drinking; IDP=infectious disease prevention; E=nutrition education; SM=sleep management; Elem.=elementary school.