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HOME > J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs > Volume 13(4); 2002 > Article
Original Article The Experience of Life of the Physically Handicapped Adolescents
Kyung Ah Kang, Shin Jeong Kim

Published online: December 31, 2002
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The purpose of this study was to construct a grounded theory as the basis for developing future nursing interventions by describing and analyzing the holistic lives of the physically handicapped adolescents. The subjects were 10 physically handicapped adolescents who were attending a rehabilitation school located in Kyunggi region and could understand and respond to the questions. The aim and purpose of the study were explained to the subjects and only those who accepted to participate in the study were selected as the actural study subjects. The study data were collected from July to November 2000. The investigators provided detailed explanations to the subjects about keeping the anonymity of the subjects name and confidentiality of the information provided by the study subjects. The subjects recevied in-depth interviews by the investigators. Each interview took about 40 minutes to 1 hour and 30 minutes. and each subject received interviews with the range of one to 3 rimes. All interviews were recorded under the permission of the subjects The investigators formed field notes after finishing each interview. In the process of data analysis 'Realizing the difficulty due to physical handicap' was found to be the causal condition whereas 'acceptance of physical handicap' was identified as th context. Then we identified awaring as the valuable being as the core phenomenon support from family and social group and spiritual help as the intervening condition effort for adaptation as the strategy and finding the meaning of life as the consequence. Through the theoretical model derived from this study an important aspect the lives of physically handicapped adolescences was identified that awaring as the valuable being help them cope better and find the meaning of life in spite of suffering they experience.

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      RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing