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Original Article Knowledge and Attitude toward Smoking Behavior in Male Middle School Students
Soon Ok Yang, Shin Jeong Kim, Eun Jin Choi, Sung Sook Baek, Soon Bun Yang

Published online: June 30, 2002
1Department of Nursing, Hallym University, Korea.
2Korea institute of health and social affairs, Korea.
3The attached Elementary school of Chunchon National University of Education, Korea.
4ChungLyul middle school, Korea.
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This study was conducted to provide basic data to develop a smoking prevention and non-smoking education program. Data were collected, using a questionnaire, from 438 male middle school students living in Chunchon, Kwangwon-do. The data collection period was from September 2 to 30, 2000. The questionnaire used to measure the subjects' knowledge and attitude toward smoking was based on the guideline for the contents of tobacco smoking surveys for the general population designed by WHO. The collected data were analyzed using the SPSS-Win program. The results were as follows. 1. The subjects' average score for smoking knowledge was 58.52 out of 100 points. 2. The subjects' average score for attitude toward smoking was 63.54 out of 100 points. 3. Smoking knowledge of the subjects was significantly different by their grade (F=9.187, p=.000), father's smoking behavior (t=2.261, p=.024), aware of harmfulness of smoking (F=8.911, p=.000). The subjects' attitude toward smoking was significantly different by mother's smoking behavior (t=-2.557, p=.011), brother's smoking behavior (t=-3.959, p=.000), having a smoking friend or not (t=-4.422, p=.000), subjects' smoking experience (t=-8.304, p=.000), present smoking behavior (t=7.001, p=.000), quantity of smoking (F=3.297, p=.041), abstinence period of smoking (F=3.858, p=.013), thinking about smoking behavior (F=20.999, p=.000), aware of harmfulness of smoking (F=20.964, p=.000), and amount of drinking (F=8.316, p=.000). 4. There was a significant correlation between subjects' knowledge and attitude toward smoking (r=.514, p=.000).

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      RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing