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Original Article The Effect of a Diabetic Education Program on Self-care Behavior and Glucose Metabolism in Type 2 Diabetic Patients
Kyung Shin Paek

Published online: September 30, 2001
Department of Nursing, Semyung University, Korea.
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The purpose of this study was to test the effect of a diabetic education program using the self-efficacy theory on the self-care behavior and glucose metabolism. The subjects of the study consisted of 25 NIDDM patients who had participated with a diabetic education program from June 23 to July 14, 1999. The research design was one-group pretest-posttest design. The pretest included measuring self-care behavior and 2PPBS, the diabetic education program was conducted to the group for 4 weeks. After the diabetic education program, the posttest included remeasuring of self-care behavior and 2PPBS. Wilcoxon signed rank test was used for the significence of the differences between values before and after the diabetic education program. The results are as follows. The diabetic education program was effective in increasing the score of the self-care behavior in exercise but was not effective in increasing the score of the self-care behavior in diet, test and medication. The diabetic education program was not effective in decreasing the levels of glucose metabolism.

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      RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing