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Original Article Comparative Study on Social Support and Perceived Health between Obese Women and Normal Weight Women
Myoung Ja Wang, Jeong Ah Kim

Published online: December 31, 2004
1College of Nursing Science, Kyung Hee University, Korea.
2Department of Nursing, Semyung University, Korea.
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The purpose of this study is to compare abdomen-fat rate, life style and social- support between normal weight women and obese women.
304 women objectives from their 30 to 59 years of age were selected living in Je-chon city, Chung-Buck province and their height and weight were measured from April 1st to June 30th, 2003. Data were classified into low-weight group (18.5kg/m2), normal-weight group (18.5~22.9kg/m2), over-weight group (23~24.9kg/m2), and obese group (25kg/m2) following the Korean Conference of Obesity, 2001, in which 119 people in the normal weight group and 91 people in the obese group, i.e. total 210 people were analyzed in sequence. Using SPSS Win 10.1 Program, frequency and percentile, and by ANOVA, chi2 -test and t-test were treated.
The average age of obese women was 46.68 distributing 40.7% of forties and 39.6% of fifties while normal-weight women were average 41.73 -year old distributing 53.8% of forties and 34.5% of thirties, which revealed aged in obese women. The body fat rate of obese women averaged 37.52+/-4.17%, in which 98.9% of obese women and 21.0% of normal weight women with a more than 30% of body-fat rate resulted in a higher body-fat rate in obese women. The waists of obese women averaged 88.37+/-8.22cm, in which more than 85cm showed in obese women of 68.2% and normal weight women of 7.6% indicating a higher waist-fat rate in obese women. The abdomen-fat rate of more than 0.85 of waist vs hip-fat showed 74.7% in obese women and 58.4% in normal weight women, indicating a higher abdomen-fat rate in obese women. Obese women and normal weight women showed significant differences in education level, number of children, religion, menstrual status, and mother's weight. Especially, obese women ate hotter or saltier food than normal weight women preferring meat. However, no significant differences appeared in marital status, social economic status, occupation, eating habits, smoking, drinking and physical exercise. Social support levels showed a lower rate in obese women than in normal weight women, indicating a statistically significant difference (p<.05). Observing areas of social support, obese women showed lower rates in attachment/intimacy, social integrity, opportunity of foster and confidence in value except help and instruction, which indicated a statistically significant difference (p<.05). Social support for obese women showed significant differences in age, education level, social hierarchy, religion and menstrual status. Obese women were more negative than normal weight women in health recognition, indicating a statistically significant difference (p<.01). Normal weight women showed higher health recognition when provided high social support and significantly low (p<.01) health recognition when provided low social support. However, there was no significant difference in health recognition in obese women whether high or low social support was given. The health recognition of obese women showed significant differences in age, education level, social hierarchy, number of children, menstrual status, physical exercise, eating habits, eating taste and preference of food.
Obese women showed elder than normal-weight women, higher body-fat rate and abdomen-fat rate, lower social support, and a tendency to more negative health recognition. Therefore, providing weight-control programs for the treatment of obesity and prevention of recurrence for obese women to prevent progressing to adult disease and promote a healthy life, we suggest that better eating habits and the encouragement of regular physical exercise should be included, as well as total approachment on change of health recognition and social support would be needed.

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