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HOME > J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs > Volume 9(1); 1998 > Article
Original Article Effects of the BSE Educational Program on BSE Practice: Based on the Individually Prescribed Instruction Model
Yeon Hee Choi

Published online: June 30, 1998
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Breast cancer ranks as one of the major health problems of adult women. Studies have shown that the BSE educational program based on the Individually Prescribed Instruction Model is effective in BSE practice. To motivate women in BSE practicing, a one-group pretest-posttest design was conducted. The subjects of the study were 49 Women who participated in the educational program of BSE and were mothers of D middle school in D City. The instruments of study were a BSE frequency & proficiency recording chart and a BSE confidence scale developed by Elearnor. The data was collected from September 4 in 1997 to April 30 in 1998 and was analyzed with an SAS program. The results were summarized as follows : 1) Frequency scores in BSE practice in the posttest was significantly increased after the intervention as contrasted with that in the pretest(t=1.32, P<.01). 2) Proficiency scores in BSE practice in the posttest was significantly increased after the intervention as contrasted with that in the pretest (t=1. 69, P<.001). 3) Confidence scores in BSE practice in the posttest was significantly increased after the intervention as contrasted with that in the pretes(t=l1.48, P<.01). 4) The Pearson correlation coefficient between BSE frequency scores and confidence scores in BSE practice was significant (r=.72, P<.001). On the basis of this study, it can be concluded that the BSE educational program has improved BSE compliance.

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