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Original Article A Study of the Relationship among Self-Efficacy, Sick-Role Behavior and Metabolic Control in Diabetic Patients
Kyung Shin Paek, Myoung Hee Kim

Published online: June 30, 1998
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The purpose of this study was to identify the degree of self-efficacy, sick-role behavior and metabolic control in patients with diabetes and to identify the relationships among those variables. The subject of the study were composed of 204 NIDDM patients from 2 hospitals, who were visiting the outpatient clinic in Taegu. Data were collected from Sep. 18th to Oct. 5th, 1996. In data analysis, an SPSS/PC+ program was utilized for descriptives correlation, T-test, and ANOVA. The results are as follows. 1) The mean scores for self-efficacy were 65.74 (range 30.83-90.68), on a 100 point scale. 2) The mean scores for sick-role behavior were 3.36(range 1.80-4.67), on a 5 point scale. 3) The mean score for metabolic control was 7.63 (range 5.0-13.2). 4) Self-efficacy was significantly correlated with sick-role behavior(r=.3614, p<0.01) but there were no significant correlations with self-efficacy and metabolic control (r=-.1045, p>0.01), sick-role behavior and metabolic control (r=-.1288, p>0.01). 5) There were significant differences in self-efficacy according to sex(t=4.47, p=0.000) and education(F=8.27, p=0.000). 6) There were no significant differences in sick -role behavior according to demographic characteristics. 7) There were significant differences in metabolic control according to the duration of diagnosed diabetess(F=4.13, p=0.007) and complication (t=2.47, p=0.014). These results suggest that for improvement in sick-role behavior nursing intervention needs to be directed at promoting self-efficacy.

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