This study was undertaken in order to examine the relationship of hardiness and health-promoting behavior and the effects of hardiness on stress-related physical symptoms. The subjects were 104 female nursing students of one college in Kongju. The instruments used for this study were a survey of general characteristics, hardiness(25 items), health-promoting behavior(44 items), and physical symptoms(35 items). Analysis of data was done by use of mean, Pearson correlation coefficient, stepwise regression and a hierarchical multiple regression with an SAS program. The results of this study are as follows. 1) Significant correlations between health -promoting behavior and subscales of hardiness, that is, control(r=-.35, P<.00l), commitment(r=-.29, P<.0l), and challenge(r=-.23, p<.05) were found. 2) Control was the highest factor predicting health-promoting behavior. 3) Main and buffering effects of hardiness on current physical symptoms were not found.