The major purpose of this study was to survey the professional self concept of clinical nurses. The subjects consisted of 894 nurses who are working at 10 general hospital in Daegu, Pusan, and Kyungsang-do. The nurses were surveyed from November 22, 1996 to March 7, 1997. The data were analyzed using an SPSS/PC program. The results were as follows: 1. The average score of PSCNI was 72.11 points. And average item score was 2.67 points, this score means mid level in professional self concept. 2. A comparison of the scores for the dimensions of the PSCNI were as follows: the mean item score of professional practice, 2.76 points; satisfaction, 2.39 points; communication, 2.83 points. Thus, the score for communication was highest. 3. The relationship between general characteristics and the PSCNI showed a significant difference in regard to age(P=.000), religion (P=.012), educational level(P=.001), marital status(P=.000), period of nursing career(P=.000) and position(P=.002). But, there were no significant differences with regard to the field of work. In conclusion, this study suggests that we need to develop a program for improving professional self concept of clinical nurses.