The purpose of this study was to identify K.A.P. of industrial workers on health management. The study was conducted Dec 5, 1992 to March 10, 1993. The results were as follows : 1. The total Score of K.A.P. of industrial worker on the Knowledge of industrial health management was 2.52, the Attitude score was 42, the Practice score 2, 62. 2. The office workers' score on K.A.P.(T=-2. 11, P=.038) Attitude score(T=-2.03, P=.045) were higher than that of productive workers' 3. The K.A.P. score of married worker was higher than that of single workers, and showed significant differences statistically. 4. There are significant statistical differences in the Attitude score of workers according to age(F=2.26, F=.0304). 5. There were statistically significant differences among total Scores of K.A.P. (F=3.1141, P=.0498). Practice score(F=8.4421, P=.0004), Knowledge Score (F=3.5833, P=.0323). Performed 84.7%. 6. The relationship between industrial worker's health level score and industrial health status had reverse relationship(R=-.7689. P<.001) Therefore the companies that performed better health management attained a higher health level.