1Associate Professor, College of Nursing, The Research Institute of Nursing Science, Seoul National University, Korea.
2Associate Professor, Graduate School of Public Health, Seoul National University, Korea.
3Researcher, Health Insurance Review Agency, Korea.
4Researcher, National Evidence-based Healthcare Collaborating Agency, Korea.
5Doctoral Student, College of Nursing, Seoul National University, Korea.
© 2013 Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing
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SME=savings in medical expense; PC=prevention of complication; STC=savings in travel cost; SPL=savings in productivity loss; DM=diabetes mellitus; CD=cerebrovascular disease; UI=urinary incontinence.
†50% reduction of admission days or outpatient days was assumed; ‡It was assumed that the utilization rate of individual home visiting care is 25%.
†Multiple registration.
SME=savings in medical expense; PC=prevention of complication; STC=savings in travel cost; SPL=savings in productivity loss; DM=diabetes mellitus; CD=cerebrovascular disease; UI=urinary incontinence. †50% reduction of admission days or outpatient days was assumed; ‡It was assumed that the utilization rate of individual home visiting care is 25%.
†This indicates the results of the individual home visiting health care program is provided for the patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus.