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Original Article
The Effects of a Tai Chi Exercise Program for Patients with Arthritis in Rural Areas
Aeyoung So, Kyung-Sook Lee, Jung Sook Choi, Eun Hee Lee
Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing 2010;21(1):118-127.
Published online: April 4, 2014

Professor, Department of Nursing, Gangneung-Wonju National University, Korea.

• Received: October 28, 2009   • Revised: March 11, 2010   • Accepted: March 15, 2010

© 2010 Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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  • Purpose
    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of a Tai-Chi exercise program on subjective health and physiological function index.
  • Methods
    This study was designed as non-equivalent control group pretest-posttest research. Eighteen women in each group completed the posttest with an attendance rate of 78.3 % after 12 weeks. The Tai Chi exercise program was provided two times a week over three months for the experimental group, but no program for the control group. A questionnaire was used for subjective health index, which consisted of Korean-WOMAC Index for joint stiffness, K-HAQ for physical disability, EQ-5D for quality of life and perceived health status, and CES-D for depression. To measure the effect on the physiological function index, femoral muscle strength, shoulder joint and back flexibility were measured.
  • Results
    All variables except left anterior femoral muscle strength had significant homogeneity between the two groups. There were statistically significant differences between the experimental group and the control group in joint stiffness (t=-2.165, p=.03), physical disability (t=-2.231, p=.038), EQ-5D index (t=3.783, p=.001), perceived health status (t=-2.349, p=.025) and femoral posterior muscle strength (t=2.487, p=.038).
  • Conclusion
    The Tai-Chi exercise program was beneficial for women with arthritis in rural communities.
Figure 1
Research design.
Table 1
Homogenity Test on General Characteristics of Subjects

Fisher's exact test.

Table 2
Effects on Subjective Health Index of Tai Chi Exercise Program
Table 3
Effects on Physiologic Function Index of Tai Chi Exercise Program

ANCOVA was done using pretest left femoral muscle strength as a covariate.

Rt=right; Lt=left.

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    We recommend
    The Effects of a Tai Chi Exercise Program for Patients with Arthritis in Rural Areas
    Figure 1 Research design.
    The Effects of a Tai Chi Exercise Program for Patients with Arthritis in Rural Areas
    Table 1 Homogenity Test on General Characteristics of Subjects

    Fisher's exact test.

    Table 2 Effects on Subjective Health Index of Tai Chi Exercise Program

    Table 3 Effects on Physiologic Function Index of Tai Chi Exercise Program

    ANCOVA was done using pretest left femoral muscle strength as a covariate.

    Rt=right; Lt=left.

    RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing