The purpose of this study was to investigate the relation between adolescents' internet addiction and mental health.
The Internet addiction level was measured with K-Scale developed for Korean adolescents by Korea Agency Digital Opportunity & Promotion (2006) and the mental health level was measured with SCL-90-R developed by Derogatis (1977) and adapted for Korean adolescents by Kim, Kim. & Won (1984). Collected data was analyzed by the mean+/-SD, t-test, ANOVA, Scheffe and Pearson correlation coefficient (SPSS 12.0).
1. The Internet addiction level appeared to be 'Addiction' in 19%, 'Latency addiction' in 27% and 'Normal' in 54%. 2. The Internet addiction level was different according to sex, use, frequency and using time per day. The mental health level was different according to grade, sex, the father's education, the mother's education, frequency and using time per day. 3. The correlation between Internet addiction and mental health was found significant.
The Internet addiction level was confirmed to have an influence on mental health. We offered basis data for preventing and treating Internet addiction in adolescents.