This study was to investigate factors influencing the well-being of the aged in rural areas.
The subjects consisted of 250 elders living in rural areas of Kyungsangbuk-do. Data were collected by questionnaire surveys using convenience sampling. The instruments used in this study were the Well-being Scale by Chang (1999), the perceived health status developed by Speake, Cowart, and Pellet (1989), and the Social Support Scale developed by Song (1991). Data were analyzed using the SPSS program through descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, Duncan's multiple-range test, Pearson Correlation Coefficient and stepwise multiple regression.
The most powerful predictor of well-being was social support, and then religion, health status, living expenses, and habitation accounted for 42.95% of variance in the well-being of the aged in rural areas.
These results suggest that perceived health status and social support can be potential risk factors in the well-being of the aged. The findings of this study provide the basis of program development to improve the well-being of the aged in rural areas.