This study was performed to identify the relationship between PMS and sex role.
Data were collected from 417 female college students in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do area during the period from the 6th of September to the 15th of October in 2004. Collected data were analyzed using SPSS WIN 11.0.
The results of this study were as follows: 1) Perceived subjective symptoms were clustered endogenous depressive feature (2.76+/-.97), anxiety (2.76+/-1.09), and impulsivity (2.72+/-1.02). 2) PMS was significantly different according to the general characteristics of menarche age (F=5.910, p=.003), pain (F=7.886. p=.000) and family history (F=5.366, p=.005), masculinity was significantly different according to menarche age (F=3.174, p=.043), and femininity was significantly different according to menarche age (F=3.742, p=.025) and pain (F=3.256. p=.040). 3) Femininity and PMS were in a positive correlation with each other (r=.623. p=.000).
This results showed that there is a significant correlation between PMS and sex role. For future research, it is recommended to identify major factors affecting PMS and the relationships between them and various subjects.