Corrigendum: Educational Status and Needs of Premature Birth Prevention and Its Association with Preconception Health Behavior among Women of Childbearing Age in Korea
Article information
This corrects the article " Educational Status and Needs of Premature Birth Prevention and Its Association with Preconception Health Behavior among Women of Childbearing Age in Korea " in volume 33 on page 372.
DOI of original article
33권 4호(p. 372-384)의 “Educational Status and Needs of Premature Birth Prevention and Its Association with Preconception Health Behavior among Women of Childbearing Age in Korea” - p. 374, p 375, p381의 참고문헌 인용번호 오류가 있어 이를 정정합니다.
1) p. 374 – Methods의 2)K-HRPHC 단락의 3줄
Before correction
The tool used to assess K-HRPHC was the pregnancy health care knowledge scale for pregnant women of advanced maternal age developed by Wang and Kim [16].
After correction
The tool used to assess K-HRPHC was the pregnancy health care knowledge scale for pregnant women of advanced maternal age developed by Wang and Kim [18].
2) p. 375 – Methods의 3) SE-HRPHC 단락의 3줄
Before correction
The SE-HRPHC was measured using the pregnancy care self-efficacy scale for pregnant women of advanced maternal age developed by Wang & Kim [16].
After correction
The SE-HRPHC was measured using the pregnancy care self-efficacy scale for pregnant women of advanced maternal age developed by Wang & Kim [18].
3) p. 375 – Methods의 3) SE-HRPHC 단락의 24줄
Before correction
Regarding the reliability of the total items, Cronbach's ⍺ of the original instrument was .89 [16], and Cronbach's ⍺ was .88 in this study.
After correction
Regarding the reliability of the total items, Cronbach's ⍺ of the original instrument was .89 [18], and Cronbach's ⍺ was .88 in this study.
4) p. 375 – Methods의 4) PHB 단락의 2줄
Before correction
PHB was assessed by the instrument developed by Yeom & Kim [15].
After correction
PHB was assessed by the instrument developed by Yeom & Kim [17].
5) p. 375 – Methods의 4) PHB 단락의 16줄
Before correction
Cronbach's ⍺ of the total items of the original instrument was .92 [15], and Cronbach's ⍺ was .95 in this study.
After correction
Cronbach's ⍺ of the total items of the original instrument was .92 [17], and Cronbach's ⍺ was .95 in this study.
6) p. 381 – Discussion의 10번째 줄
Before correction
The recognition of the risk of premature birth is likely to induce prevention behaviors and early interventions, and thus lead to healthy pregnancy outcomes [25], so there is a need for information and educational interventions on premature birth.
After correction
The recognition of the risk of premature birth is likely to induce prevention behaviors and early interventions, and thus lead to healthy pregnancy outcomes [24], so there is a need for information and educational interventions on premature birth.