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A Mi Shin 1 Article
The Effects of Hope Intervention on the Hope and Quality of Life of Cancer Patients Staying at Home and Cared in Public Health Center
Chung Nam Kim, A Mi Shin, Kyung Min Park, Myong Hwa Park, Yeong Ah Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2008;19(2):177-187.   Published online June 30, 2008
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This study was to identify the effects of hope intervention on the hope and quality of life of cancer patients staying at home.
The study adopted the randomized control group design. The subjects consisted of randomly selected forty cancer patients who were registered at S-Gu Public Health Center. Hope intervention which was composed of hope assessment, positive self identity formation, hope objective setting, therapeutic relationship and spiritual & transcendental process improving, and hope evaluation was provided from October 22, 2007 to November 30, 2007.
Hypothesis 1-1 "The experimental group that received hope intervention will have a higher score of hope than the control group", was supported(t=-3.108, p=.004). Hypothesis 1-2 "The experimental group that received hope intervention will have a higher level of hope index than the control group", was supported (t=-4.219, p=.000). Therefore, Hypothesis 1 "The experimental group that received hope intervention will have a higher level of hope than the control group" was supported. Hypothesis 2 "The experimental group that received hope intervention will have a higher level of quality of life than the control group", was not supported (t=-1.726, p=.092).
Hope intervention is an effective nursing intervention to enhance hope for patients with cancer staying at home.

RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing