What is the Meaning of Moxibustion Experiences for the Korean?
Youn Ju Lee, Bun Han Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2005;16(3):300-307. Published online September 30, 2005
The purpose of this study is to identify how the participants understand the meaning of the hand-moxibustion that is mainly used for an alternative therapy, so that the participants utilize the data for the basic nursing intervention through the understand and use of the hand-moxibustion. METHOD This research was carried from January to May of 2003 and its participants were the elder five men and one woman who have been living in Seoul and had jobs. the researcher assorted the topics of the study by Ben Menun' methodology. RESULT The results showed that there was a significant effects of the hand moxibustion and treatment with protect. CONCLUSION The moxibustion therapy is a nursing intervention that can provide a better quality of life for the prevention of disease, health promotion may be develope in the future.