The development of the scale for Health promotive behavior
Hee Young So, Choonsil Hong, Hyun Li Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 1995;6(2):250-258. Published online December 31, 1995
- The purpose of this study was to determine the level of health promotive behavior of adults and thereby to develope the health promotive behavior scale adjusting our sociocultural situation.
The item for health promotive behavior was aquired from statements which was reported by Kim through deep interview with 164 Korean adults. The scale was measured with 4 points Likert type.
Data was collected with questionnaire for population living in farm of Chungnam Province and Dae Jon City, from July to August 1994 by research assistant trained by researchers.
Data was analysed using SPSS program with Cronbach alpha and factor analysis.
The results are as follows : 1. For the reliability of the scale, Cronbach alpha was .8264 2. The factor analysis to examine the construct validity showed that health promotive behaviors included 9 factors: health management (16.0%), regular life style(7.4%), psychosomatic control(5.6%), moderation of living(4.6%), stress rnanagement(4.1%), abstain from favorite (3.9%), sanitary habit (3.8%), thought (3.2%), diet habit(3.1%).
Nine factors explained 51.7% of varient.