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Dong Sun Shin 1 Article
A Study on Recognizing Value and Belief of Health with aged
Dong Sun Shin, Chun Sil Hong
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 1996;7(1):38-51.   Published online June 30, 1996
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There is a increasingly growing emphasis on health promotion, disease prevention and optimum functioning for peaple including the chronically ill and disabled. According as the purpose of the nursing is the promotion of health, the value and belief of heal th within the nursing paradigm need to be defined in every culture. The paradigm components must be explored for meaning given by the aged in their traditional thought and philosophy. The problem addressed by this qualitative study was how the aged recognize value and belief of health, which contribute to the development of Korean nursing theory. Theoretical support for the study was from Leininger's cultural care theory and Korean philosophy and traditional oriented thought. Literature review refers to literature on the aged, health of the aged, and definition and meaning of general health concept. Grounded theory methodology guied the research methodology and analysis to build a substantive theory. The informants were 119 from a variety of social levels and family patterns; traditionally the aged are responsible for the health. The concentrated interviewing period was from may to june, 1995 ; the interviews were done by the researcher with two supporter and most were recorded on audio tape.
from analysis of base datas follows; The value and belief of health that emerged from the categories and properties were the physical stability, the stability of mind, the stability of mind and body, the smoothness (harmony) of body function, the family concord, and the perfection of self. These values and beliefs of health are affected by the cosmic dual forces thought is based on the Great Absolute, family principle of confucian scholar, and Buddism. Among the values and beliefs of health, family concord is found out Korean culture peculiarities. These values and beliefs are all integrated into the idea of health. The study provided implications for nursing theory research, education, and practice change and development.

RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing