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Eui Nam Chung 1 Article
A Study of the Attitude and Experience for Sexual Harassment in Adolescence
Eui Nam Chung, Shin Ae Park
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2000;11(2):538-555.   Published online December 31, 2000
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The purpose of this study, in which 573 students from 2 high schools in Kang Nung city participated was to identify the attitude and experience of sexual harassment. This information will provide useful data, and promote a more systematic sexual harassment education program. The subjects of this study were 278 male students and 295 female students. The data was collected from September 25 to October 6. 2000. The data was analyzed using the statistical Computer package. SPSS to manipulate the data along with frequency, percentage, and mean t-test. The results from this study were summarized as follows. 1. The results from this comparison between two groups were significant in their attitude on sexual harassment(t=-2.26. p=0.024). Female students had higher scores than male students. 2. As a cause of sexual harassment. 'A man's misjudgement regarding a women as sexual objects(n=130: 22.7%)'. 'Patriarchal system of unequal distribution of power and status between the sexes(n=105: 18.3%)'. 'The effect of sexual stimulatives. (pornography. pornovideo. TV program ect.)(n=89: 15.5%)'. 3. As a countermeasure for prevention, 'Punishment, law and regulation of the sexual harasser(n = 151; 26.4%)', 'A preventive education of sexual harassment in adolescence (n=125: 21.8%)'. 'Reformation of gender inequality and sex discrimination in the socio-structure(n=76; 13.3%)'. 4. Out of 573 students who participated in this study, 209(36.5%) students reported experiencing an incident of sexual harassment. For 278 males who participated in this study, 88(31.7%) had experienced an incident of sexual harassment. For the 295 females who participated in this study, 121(41.0%) had experienced an incident of sexual harassment. The type of sexual harassment is reported physical sexual harassment(n=248: 40.5%), verbal sexual harassment(n=226; 36.7%), and visual sexual harassment(n=139: 22.6%). 5. Their age in which they had experienced harassment was usually 'after 16 years of age(n=122: 58.4%)'. The age of harassers were mostly teenagers(n=112; 53.6%). The relationship to the with sexual harasser was a stranger (n=85; 40.7%), or a friend(n=78: 37.3%). After the incident of sexual harassment occurred, some students informed friends (n=114: 54.5%), 63(30.1%) told no one. Male students' feelings after the experienced harassment ranged from: 'be interesting', 'be pleasant'. Female students' feelings after the experienced harassment ranged from; 'be surprised', 'get a shock', 'fear', 'shame'.

RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing