The Effects of Constraint-induced Movement Therapy on Affected Upper Limb Functions in Patients with Hemiplegia
Gwang Soo Yoo, Joung Hee Bae
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2006;17(4):482-491. Published online December 31, 2006
- No abstract available.
A Study on a Coping Method of the Family Caregivers of Demented Patients
Gwang Soo Yoo
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2002;13(4):648-667. Published online December 31, 2002
- This was a descriptive study designed to identify the level fo coping method and its influencing factors on the family caregivers of demented patients and resolve the family caregivers' level of stress. The data were collected from September 10 to October 10 2001 snbjects for this study were recruited from four clinics which were chosen from 15 clinics located in Chunbuk-Do as the study sites because of their cooperation for the study. They were similar in terms of size the characteristics of the local community and the population and registration status of the demented patients.
The instruments used for the study were as follows: 1. Problematic behaviors of demented patients are measured by the memory and behavior problem checklist(Zarit 1980) and the linguistic communication symptoms Questionnaire(bayles and Tomoeda 1991) 2. The ability to carry out daily activities was measured using the Barthel index(1965) and Katz index (1963) which as well-known ADL assessment methods 3. Burden was measured using cost of care index by th kosberg and Cairl (1986) 4. Coping strategy was measured Bell's 18 methods (1977). The data were analyzed using SPSS/PC.
The study results were as follows 1. The total stress score was 2.90 out of a maximum score of 5 The highest score reported was 3.09 on the dimension of restriction of individual and social activities and the lowest region reported was 2.58 on the dimension of mental and physical health 2. The total score of the coping method was 2.65 out of a maxumum score of 5 The highest score reported was 4.01 on the dimension of thinking that includes an ideation such that it is better than any possible worst case and the lowest score reported was 1.45 on the dimension of the self-image as a scapegoat 3. There were significant differences in coping method among the subjects by age (F=2.752 p=0.04) caregiver (F=4.33 p=0.003) care-giving period (F+2.68 p=0.049) and dementia stage (F=2.87 p=0.034) 4. There were highly negative correlations (gamma=-0.301 p=0.000) between problematic behaviors of demented patients and the coping method of their family caregivers The highest correlation coefficient (gamma=-0.339 p=0.000) was found between aggressive behaviors of the demented patients and the coping method of their family caregivers. 5. There was a low negative correlation (gamma=-0.201 p=0.019) between the ADL of the demented patients and the coping method of their family caregivers 6. There were highly negative correlations (gamma=-0.213 p=0.005) between stress and the coping method of the family caregivers The highest correlation was found between financial burden (gamma=-.327 p=.000) and the coping method of the family caregivers. There was no significant correlation among unpleasant aspects of the demented patients willingness to the demented patients and the coping method of the family caregivers.