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Hae Ja Lee 1 Article
A Study on the Development of a Database for a Health Care System: Focusing on Health Care Management for Hypertensive Patients and Middle-aged Women
Jeong Myung Choi, Hae Ja Lee, Chun Mi Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2004;15(3):365-375.   Published online September 30, 2004
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This study intends to make a database for hypertensive patients and middle-aged women who are visiting the Yeojoo County Health Center. While building up the database, the study reviewed the current assessment tools used in the health center, developed appropriate health care programs, and designed a computerized health care system.
The modeling of a database for the system was constructed by MS-Access for DBMS (Database Management System) and Visual Basic. The system is to be used only in the health center by being designed as a client-server method, making it possible for many public employees to be interconnected, and enables them to retrieve and search data from the database simul- taneously.
The health management system systematically follows nursing processes including assessment, diagnosis, intervention and evaluation. Diagnosis, once it is done according to the self-determined criteria, saves time and provides appropriate health information for the members. Also, the health education program was developed to follow up on the health status of the members on a continuous basis.
Based on these results, it is required to evaluate health care programs provided for the members by using the database system and to develop more practical health care programs. It is also necessary to connect the system to other databases, which contain information about members.

RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing