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Hae Ju Yang 1 Article
A Survey on the Work Stress, Interpersonal Conflict Resolution Strategy and Job Satisfaction in Clinical Nurse
Hae Ju Yang, Jeong Sook Park
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 1998;9(2):533-549.   Published online December 31, 1998
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This descriptive study was designed to measure the degrees of work stress and job satisfaction and use interpersonal conflict resolution strategy as an attempt to provide clinical nurses basic data to develop strategies releasing work stress and improving job satisfaction. These data were collected from 367 clinical nurses working in 9 hospitals nation-wide from May 1, to June 30, 1998. A structured questionaire was used for data collection. The questionnaire included Kim and Koo's work stress scale, Lee's interpersonal conflict resolution strategy scale and a Minesota satisfaction questionnaire. Data analysis was done by the use of the SAS computer program with descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, Scheffe test, Pearson Correlation Coefficient and Cronbach-alpha. The results were as follows 1. The mean score of work stress for the subjects was 4.34(SD=0.64). The highest scored reasons for work stress were 'inadequate com pensation' 4.93(SD=0.86), 'lack of professional knowledge and skill' 4.70(SD=0.92) and 'unsatisfactory relationship with superior authorities' 4.63(SD=0.97). The lowest scored reasons were 'unsatisfactory relationship with inferior staff' 3.72(SD=1.02), 'inadequate mechanical environment' 3.72(SD=1.11) and 'interpersonal problems' 3.85 (SD=1.06), The work stress in clinical nurses differed significantly depending on the hospital type (F=4.00, p=0.0082). 2. The clinical nurses used compromise(45.1%) as the best interpersonal conflict resolution strategy. The second was collaboration(32.8%), the third accomodation(14.2%), the forth avoidance(4.2%) and the fifth competition(3.6%). 3. The item score of job satisfaction of the subject was 3.00(SD=0.43). The job satisfaction in clinical nurses differed significantly depending on age(F=5.67, p=0.0000), marital status(t=-1.89, p=0.0511), academic career(F=5.84, 0.0001), official position (F=7.38, p=0.0001), and work career(F=6.33, p=0.0001). 4. The result of the analysis of relationship between work stress and job satisfaction was significant(r=-0.34, p=0.0000). In conclusion, it was found that work stress was very high in clinical nurses. They used interpersonal conflict resolution strategies to release their interpersonal problems and to increase their job satisfaction. Therefore, adequate stress management for clinical nurses will provide them with higher job satisfaction and hence lead to more qualitified nursing care.

RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing