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Hae Soon Kim 1 Article
A Study on Occupational Care Diver Though Nurse's Experiences in General Hospitals
Hae Soon Kim, Sook Young Kim, Mi Sung Park
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 1994;5(2):216-226.   Published online December 31, 1994
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This study attempted to analize nurse's experiences about care giver including nurse's recognition of occupational care giver's existence, the helping part of occupational care giver's activities, problems between occupational care giver and nurse, and correlations between reasons of problems and each variable. The subjects of the study are 218 nurses who are working at general hospitals. The study informations gathered by using structured questionnaire which consisted of 38 items. The reliability of the instrument was cronhach's 0.8310. The collected data was analized by spss program for the statistics of percent, t-test, ANOVA, and Pearson's correlation. The study results were as follows : 1. For the nurse's recognition of occupational care giver's existence 70.2% of nurses(153 nurses) who felt occupaitional care giver's existence was helpful. The result showed 2.20 when transfered to score. 2. Occupational care giver's activities which were helpful to nurses were in order of following : simple serving, personal hygiene, companion of talking, room arrangement, and saftey management. 3. Among 10 items of the problems which nurses having experiences with occupational care givers, 4 items were related with nurses directly. 88.4% of the reasons of the problems were due to lack of occupational care giver's eduction. 4. For the relationships of general characteristics and nurse's reason of problems there was the significant difference in the nurse's status and education. There was the significant difference showed in the group of over status of charge nurse and over college education(T=-2.08, P<0.05, T=-2.13, P<0.01) 5. Correlation between nurse's recognition of occupational care giver's existence and the problems between care giver and the nurse revealed weak relationship (r=0.2002, P<0.01). However, correlation between nurse's recognition of occupational care giver's existence and degree of occupational care giver's helping and also relationship of degree of care giver's helping and problems between these two groups were not statistically significant.

RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing