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Hee Soon Kim 1 Article
Factors Associated with the Stages of Changes in Drinking Behavior among Industria Workers, an Application of thel Transtheoretical Model
Hee Soon Kim, Keum Ee Kim, Myung Soon Kwon
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2004;15(1):110-121.   Published online March 31, 2004
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This study was performed to identify factors associated with drinking behavior using Transtheoretical Model in workers.
The study method was a survey of 216 marine shipping metal workers in Koje city from November 11, 2002 to November 30, 2002.
The subjects were divided in four stages of drinking behavior: 38.9% in pre-contemplation stage, 38.6% in contemplation stage, 17.6% in preparation stage and 7.9% in action & maintenance stage. The amount of drinking was significantly decreased as the workers progressed through each stage. Helping relationships(HR) and Self reevaluation(SR) were identified as the main processes of change in all stages. Self liberation(SEL), Counter conditioning(CC), Helping relationships(HR), Self reevaluation(SR), Dramatic relief (DR) and Social liberation(SL) were used higher than average. The self-efficacy score increased as the workers progressed through each stage, but not significantly. The Pros score of decisional balance was the highest in the pre contemplation stage and decreased as the workers progressed through each stage, but not significantly. The Cons score of decisional balance was the highest in the preparation stage, but not significantly in as the workers progressed through each stage.
This study can provide the basis of a staged matching alcohol-reducing program using TTM for more effective and useful intervention.

RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing