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Hi Seop Yoon 1 Article
Epidemiologic study of injury and poisoning occurrence in a rural area
Hi Seop Yoon
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 1999;10(2):467-479.   Published online December 31, 1999
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The mortality and morbidity caused by injury and poisoning has been major public health problem in Korea. This study was carried out to get information indispensable in developing prevention srategies peculiar to korean rural area. In this study 1.499 people of 496 households. who are living in five rural villages of Chooncheon City. Kang-Won Province. were interviewed in accordance with structured questionaire in 1996. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. The age-standardized annual incidence rates of injury and poisoning per 100 persons surveyed were 4.2 in males and 1.9 in females. The difference between sex was statistically significant. 2. The places where most of injuries and poisonings occurred were road 66.7% among males. road 31.6% among females. 3. The occurrence of the injuries and poisonings were clustered in intensive farming season in both males and females. 4. The laceration and stab wound were the most frequent nature of injuries in males and the fracture was the most frequent nature of injuries in females. The fracture. sprain were more frequent among males but sprain and contusion were more frequent among females. 5. Incidence rates of injuries and poisoning by cause were higher in traffic accidents among males. though falls among females. The cause specific incidence rate by age was high in traffic accident for 30-59 year age group. and for the aged people older than 60 years. 6. In the management pattern, 78.8% of the injuries and poisoning were received medical care in hospitals and clinics, and the duration of the treatment over 4 weeks in 37.0%. The results obtained indicate that organized community effort is urgently required to prevent injuries and poisonings in rural area.

RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing