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Hong Ja Lee 2 Articles
A Study on the Changing in Social Interest, Motivation and Attitude of Nursing College Students to Voluntary Activity after a Voluntary Program
Young Ran Han, Hong Ja Lee, Hye Joo Joo, Kyung Mee Cho, Yeun Ju Kim, Seoug Sook Hwang
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 1999;10(1):204-226.   Published online June 30, 1999
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This study attempted to compare the social interest, motivation, and attitude of nursing college students who participated in a voluntary program and the students who didn't participate in a voluntary program. The purpose of this study can be summarized as to find the effect of a voluntary program and to offer fundamental data for institutionalizing a voluntary program in college. The subjects were composed of two groups, one group attend the voluntary program and the other group doesn't. The subjects were 390 nursing students: 179 in the experimental group and 211 in the control group. The results of this study are as follows : 1. Before voluntary activities, the mean value of the control group was higher than that of the experimental group in social interest and altruistic motivation. The difference is statistically meaningful(t=-2.2.53, p=.25, t=-2.509, p=.013). 2. After voluntary activities, selfish motivation and altruistic motivation in the experimental group was higher than before. The difference is statistically meaningful(t=2.404, p=.0l7, t=-2.751, p=.007). 3. The social interest, selfish motivation, altruistic motivation toward voluntary activities and selfish attitude, altruistic attitude toward voluntary activities will not have changed in the control group before or after voluntary program. However, the altruistic attitude lowered after voluntary activity. It is statistically meaningful(t=2.694, p=.008). 4. After the voluntary activities, there was a significant difference between the experimental and control groups in altruistic attitude. In the experimental group, the mean value of altruistic attitude increased significantly, but in the control group the mean value of altruistic attitude decreased (t=2.15, p=.032). The results of this study showed that voluntary activities not only increase social interest and altruistic attitude, but also the subject's understanding toward the community.
A Study for Reorientation of Home Care Service at Community
Hong Ja Lee, Chun Mi Kim, Soon Nyong Yun
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 1998;9(1):163-180.   Published online June 30, 1998
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The purpose of this study is to evaluate the community based home care service, and make reorientation for better service. The data was collected from the public health center, which was operated for one year, 1997. This case is evaluated and reoriented according to five elements of public health care system; system of resources for public health, organization and administration, health care delivery system of financing, management. In resources for public health, available health personnels are 15 physicians, 17 nurses, 11 nurse aides and 2 other persons. One professional health personnel take care of 609 clients, The equipments used for elderly and the disabled are 6 wheelchairs, 4 walkers, 1 hairwashers and 30 viberations. But these equipments are not enough to deal all clients. In organization and administration, planning and setting goals for community home care are made by the director, supervisor of family department and public health nurse. So there is no regular commitee for home care services in this community. The form of delivery of health care is focused on preventive health care. The important works of public health nurse are health education, preventive care for hypertension, D.M. and vaccination of communicable desease. In finaning system, funds come from central government(8.3%), local goverment(16.7%) and health center itself(3.8%), The services consist of health education, vaccination, clinical test and equipment. There are several local volunteers, which are local hospitals, a college, a christian association, a catholic association, a drivers association and a disabled association. The volunteer groups give physical and mental support to the clients. In management, this health center has three evaluation methods. One is done by local government, one is done by health center itself, and the other is done by clients with questionair. But the evaluation tools are deferent between agency. Home care services must be planned and evaluated. This public health center has to have more personnel, equipments, education for professional kowledge and meetings with community volunteer agencies.

RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing