Development of Web-Based Education Programs for School Health Nurses
Moon Sook Yoo, Il Young Yoo, Kyu Young Lee
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2004;15(1):36-43. Published online March 31, 2004
The main objective of this study was to develop a continuing education program for school health nurses using the Internet, and evaluate the satisfaction of users. METHOD A survey using a self-reported questionnaire was done to identify areas where education is needed. A stratified random sampling method was employed to select 1,746 school health nurses and to receive the respondings from 584 school health nurses. The contents of the module for the education program were determined to be counseling and teaching techniques to meet health care needs related to sex, and cessation of smoking. The researchers wrote the educational content for the program, and the storyboards and illustrations appropriate to the module were constructed and the domain was registered. The web site was named "www.healthyyouth.org". RESULTS Three topics were identified where education is needed; youth and sex, youth and smoking, and counseling techniques for children, and programs were developed under the web site named, "www.healthyyouth.org". Over 90 percent of the respondents reported that the web site was useful and 100 percent reported that they would recommend the web site to other school health nurses. CONCLUSION The web-based program allowed school health nurses to study and improve their health care knowledge and skills. Since almost all schools in Korea have personal computers in the infirmary, accessibility to the program is excellent. Based on the results of this study, this type of education program will be a useful method for the continuing education of school health nurses.
A Survey of School Health Nurses competency and Professional Attitude
Moon Sook Yoo, Il Young Yoo, Kyu Young Lee
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2002;13(4):808-816. Published online December 31, 2002
The study was aimed to assess the competency and professional attitude of school health nurses who are occupied with adolescent health, and to provide basic information for the development of continuing education programs for them to improve their competencies. METHOD The self-reported questionnaire based on WHO assessment tool were used to assess the competencies of the school health nurses providing health care for adolescents. the subjects were 584 school health nurses and the data were collected from January 28 to March 5. 2002. RESULT The school health nurses in middles schools showed significantly higher scores than the school health nurses in primary schools on the level of competency. The nurses were scored the highest in area of dealing with sexual issues for the students followed by providing them direct card and application of primary care concept to the field of school health nursing. The areas showing the lowest scores were counseling and utilization of the system. There was a significant positive correlation between competency and professional attitude of the school health nurses. CONCLUSION Based on the results of this study it is necessary to develop various continuing educational programs for school health nurses using different teaching methods such as web-based program.