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Ja Hhee Kim 1 Article
Leisure-time Activities Associated with Obesity in Adolescents
Ja Hhee Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2008;19(4):587-599.   Published online December 31, 2008
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The purpose of this study is to compare the differences between obese and non-obese students in sedentary leisure-time activities.
The survey was performed with 725 students from 3 different middle schools in Kyeonggi-do. In order to measure the degree of obesity, used are BMI and "2007 Korea Children and Adolescents' Average Scale". With regard to the leisure activities, YRBS and "Youth Behavior Risk Factor Surveillance" were referred.
The rate of boys' overweight was 18.0% and that of girls was 11.8%. Students watching TV 3hours+/day were 16.6% for boys and 30.6% for girls during weekday. Respective values for weekend were 56.8% and 71.4%. Students using computer 3hours+/day were both 14.5% for boys and girls during weekday, and 53.7% for boys and 36.7% for girls during weekend. 14.9% of boys and 21.2% of girls didn't participate in vigorous physical activities and 5.9% for boys and 11.2% for girls didn't participate in moderate physical activities. The differences between obese and non-obese students in sedentary activities were not significant. However, the difference in leisure-time activity was significant.
The programs for prevention and management of adolescents' obesity have to be focused on reducing their sedentary activities and improving physical activities.

RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing