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Ja Youn Kwon 1 Article
A Study on Physical, Cognitive, and Social Functioning Levels in Institutionalized elderly
Jung Soon Kim, Ja Youn Kwon
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 1996;7(2):216-228.   Published online December 31, 1996
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The purposes of this study were to investigate levels of physical, cognitive, and social functioning in institutionalized elderly. The subjects were 78 residents of a nursing home for the elderly in Pusan. The data were collected from June 24th to July 8th, 1996 using interview and observational method. The structured questionnaires developed by Kim, by Kwon & Park, and by researcher were adopted to measure physical, cognitive, and social function, respectively. The data were analyzed using percentages, means, t test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation coefficient, Cronbach's alpha with the SPSS PC programs. The results were summarized as follows: 1. 34.2% of the subjects had a paralysis, strokes 26.3%, hearing impairment 15.9%, vision impairment 11.8%, mental disturbance 11.8%, cognitive disturbance 10.5%. 2. The mean score on the physical function for the subjects was 73.14, and the items with low functioning levels were 'ascending the stairs', 'bathing' in that order. There was no significant difference in physical function according to the following demographic characteristics: sex, age, and education level. 3. 50.0% of subjects was categorized 'definite dementia', 'questionable dementia' 11.5%, 'definite non-dementia' 38.5%. There was a significant difference in cognitive function according to sex, but were no significant differences according to following demographic characteristics: age and education level. 4. The mean score on the social function for the subjects was 17.60. The items with comparatively high score were in simple activities such as 'enjoying talking with his friends', 'watching TV or listening to the radio', and the items with low score were in complex activities such as 'enjoying a hobby',. 'enjoying a game', 'reading the newspaper or book'. There were no significant differences in social function according to sex and age, but was a significant difference according to education level. 5. Social function was positively correlated with both physical function and cognitive function.

RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing