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Jeong Mo Park 9 Articles
Latent Mean Analysis of Health Behavior between Adolescents with a Health Problem and Those without: Using the 2009 Korean Youth Health Behavior Survey
Jeong Mo Park, Mi Won Kim, Yoon Hee Cho
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2013;24(4):488-497.   Published online December 31, 2013
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The purpose of this study was to identify the construct equivalence of the general five factors of health behavior and to compare the latent means between adolescents with a health problem and those without in Korea.
The 2009 KYRBS (Korean Youth Risk Behavior Survey) data were used for the analysis. Multi-group confirmatory factor analysis was performed to test whether the scale had configural, metric, and scalar invariances across the existence of health problems in adolescents.
Configural, metric, and factor invariances were satisfied for the latent mean analysis (LMA) between adolescents with health problem and those without. Adolescents with health problem and those without were not different in the LMA of all factors.
Health providers should give more interest to the group of adolescents with health problems and consider prudential school life to the same group.
Comparison of Gender Stereotype between Female Nursing Students and Humanities Students
Jeong Mo Park, Suk Jeong Lee
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2009;20(4):412-420.   Published online December 31, 2009
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The purpose of this study was to identify difference in gender stereotype between female nursing students and humanities students.
A descriptive comparative study was done. The subjects were 300 nursing students and 114 humanities students who were selected by convenient sampling. Data were collected from September 2008 to October 2008 using a constructive questionnaire with 30 questions, which was prepared for this study by modifying the instrument about gender stereotype developed by Kim. The data were analyzed through ANCOVA, factor analysis and Chronbach's alpha using the SPSS program.
1) Of the six subcategories of gender stereotype, five were higher in the nursing students than in the humanities students, but occupational gender stereotype was not. 2) Age affected total, familiar, social, external, and intellectual gender stereotype. 3) Self-satisfaction and major satisfaction affected social gender stereotype. 4) In the analysis of difference in gender stereotype with controlling age, self-satisfaction and major satisfaction, the nursing students showed statistically significant higher scores in intellectual stereotype than the humanities students.
Because female nursing students tended to show high gender stereotype, nursing educators need to develop programs for helping nursing students escape from gender stereotypes and increase their self-satisfaction.
The Effects of Visiting Nursing Intervention on Self Care Behavior and Blood Pressure in Persons with High Risk of Cerebrovascular Diseases
Jeong Mo Park, Suk Jeong Lee
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2007;18(4):572-582.   Published online December 31, 2007
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This study was to evaluate the effects of visiting nursing intervention on self care behavior and blood pressure with high risk of cerebrovascular diseases.
A one-group pretest-posttest was designed. Data collection was done in 150 participants from March, 2003 to November, 2003 at a public health center. Self care behavior was assessed by the scores of smoking, alcohol, diet, exercise, stress and medication compliance. The scores of knowledge related cerebrovascular diseases, blood pressure, blood glucose were estimated. The Participants were intervened in with basic assessment, emotional support, education. This program took a period ranging from 3 months to 7 months depending on the cerebrovascular risk level. The mean number of visiting times was 1.67 per month.
1. Knowledge level was improved(t=-2.542, p=.012). 2. Systolic and diastolic pressure were lower(t=5.439, p<.001; t=4.966, p<.001). 3. Self care level was higher (t=-12.981, p=.001) after the intervention.
The visiting nursing intervention was found to have an effect on the scores of knowledge, self care behavior and blood pressure with high risk of cerebrovascular diseases. The results provided evidences for the importance of visiting nursing intervention in the high risk factor of cerebrovascular disease for self care.
The Effects of Rehabilitation Excercise Program on Physical Function and Mental Health Status in Patients with Hemiparesis Following Chronic Stroke
Jeong Mo Park, Suk Jeong Lee
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2006;17(2):166-175.   Published online June 30, 2006
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No abstract available.
Experiences on Home Visiting Nursing Service among the Elderly in Community
So Young Min, Sook Kyoung Park, Jeong Mo Park, Suk Jeong Lee
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2005;16(4):437-445.   Published online December 31, 2005
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The purpose of this study was to understand the meaning of experiences in home visiting nursing service among the elderly in community provided by nursing students.
This is a phenomenological study to investigate the experience of community-based patients. Data were collected through in-depth interviews from the 4th of March to the 15th of December 2003. Individual interviews were conducted with 8 patients on subjective experiences. Data were analyzed through Colaizzi's method, in which meaningful statements were extracted.
Four categories were identified from nine theme clusters. The four categories were 'thankfulness', 'dependence', 'sorrowfulness' and 'the sense of being'.
These results show the importance of visiting nursing service for the elderly in community.
A Study on the Physical Health Status, Depression and Health Behaviors of the Elderly
Mi Kyung Sim, Jeong Mo Park
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2004;15(3):438-449.   Published online September 30, 2004
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The purpose of this study was to examine the levels of and relationships between physical health status, depression and health behaviors and the factors affecting health behavior in the elderly.
The subjects of this study were 118 elderly people aged over 60 living in urban and rural areas. The data were collected by interview through questionnaires from December 1, 2003 to January 30, 2004. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation coefficient, and stepwise multiple regression.
The results of the study are as follows. 1. The mean score of the physical health status was 63.88 out of a total of 78 and the mean score of depression 42.71 out of 80. The mean score of health behaviors was 126 out of 165 and 3.83 point out of 5. In terms of sub-domains of health behaviors, emotional areas showed the highest mean score (3.98). 2. There was a significant positive correlation between health behaviors and the physical health status (r=.491, P<.001), while there was a significant negative correlation between depression and physical health status(r=.626, P<.001), and depression and health behavior(r=.784, P<.001). 3. Stepwise multiple regression analysis revealed that the most powerful predictor of health behaviors was psychological health, namely depression. A combination of depression, perceived health status and religion accounted for 65% of the variance in health behaviors of the elderly.
From the results of the study, we recommend that the development of a nursing intervention program for the health behaviors including the factors affecting the elderly. It suggests the need to focus more on psychological and spiritual health and the development of nursing interventions for health promotion among older adults.
A Study on Health Promotion Behaviors of a Group of Middle Aged Men in K-Ku, Incheon City
Eun Joo Kim, Seung Sook Hwang, Jeong Mo Park, Hwa In Lee
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2004;15(3):408-418.   Published online September 30, 2004
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This study aims to provide useful basic materials for planning the Health Improvement Program and Policy for men aged 20-40. This study investigated 889 subjects, and at each corresponding age, who were collected among the trainers at the Civil Defense Training Institute in K-ku, Incheon City. The data collection period lasted from April to July of 2003. I revised and complemented the measurement tool for the Health Improvement Life Style developed by Jung Eun-Kyung. For analysis of the acquired data, I used SPSS11.0 program. The study shows that the Health Improvement Action of a group of middle-aged men averaged 2.80, and 0.44 point out of 5. According to the results found during the analysis of the generic characters of differences in behaviors of Health Improvement, It was revealed that there were significant differences in age, regular exercise and health interest, stress management, self-concept as well as degrees of interest in health, and education level. According to monthly income levels, regular exercise and degrees of self-concept degrees were significantly different from each other. According to marital status, balanced diet and regular exercise were related to each other. According to religion, balanced diet, stress management degree, self-concept degree, and degrees of interest in health, significant differences were shown. Based on the earlier mentioned results, we should pay attention to act more, rather than merely recognize the development of the health improvement program of our regional community. Also, it is necessary to find out the cause, which lowers men's interest in health.
A Comparative Study of Social Support, Depression, and Life Satisfaction in the Urban and Rural Elderly
Mi Kyung Sim, Jeong Mo Park
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2002;13(4):689-698.   Published online December 31, 2002
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The study was carried out to identify the correlations among social support depression and life satisfaction and compare them between the rural and urban elderly.
The study participants included 57 rural elderly and 59 urban elderly who were surveyed and interviewed using social support and depression like satisfaction inventories by nursing students from May 2002 to June 2002.
The mean scores of social support and life satisfaction in the urban elderly were higher than those in the rural elderly However signigicant differences in the variables between the two elderly groups were not found. The mean score of depression in the rural elderly was higher than that in the urban elderly but a significant difference between the two groups indepression was not found. Social support was significantly correlates with age religion health status in the urban elderly and with significantly correlated with religion monthly expenditure health status in the both groups Life satisfaction was significantly correlated with age marital status religion monthly expenditure in the urban elderly and with health status in the rural elderly. Social support depression and life satisfaction were correlated each other in the urban elderly. The significant correlations were found between depression and life satisfaction and between social support and life satisfaction in the rural elderly.
the results suggest that further replicated studies are needed with larger samples. Appropriate nursing interventions with the consideration of characteristics of the rural and urban elderly are needed and developed to improve their social support and depression.
Evaluation of Community Health Nursing Practice and Nursing Student's Clinical Experience at Public Health Centers
Jeong Mo Park, Suk Jeong Lee
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2002;13(1):161-170.   Published online March 31, 2002
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To evaluate community health nursing practice by nursing students for basic data to improve nursing practice education, and to determine the clinical practice experiences of nursing students at public health centers.
According to methodological triangulation, all data was collected from March 2001 to June 2001 through prepared questionnaires with 62 Participants, and in depth interviews with 2 Participants, and content analysis with 8 Participants.
1. Clinical practice content was needed to make up professionally. 2. Clinical practice instructor was satisfied with teaching by community health nursing professor, but not by public health center nurse. 3. Clinical environment was perceived as good. 4. Clinical practice time was perceived suitable, but practice evaluation was given a low grade. 5. Experience of nursing students was grouped into 9 categories and 20 themes. 9 Categories are as follows: change of public health center image, difficulty in the personal relationship, positive personal relationships, doubt about the attitude, doubt about the task, tension, worth, ambivalance of the conference, feeling about the end stage of the clinical practice. Twenty themes are stereotypic of the public health care center: recognition, difficulty between tasks and interrelationships with the clients, decrease of self esteem due to deficiency of trust with the students, exchange of feelings in the relationships, the situation of clients was not considered, feelings were disregarded, not systematic, regarding students as supplementory manpower, independent work but not enough contents, anxiety & fear, self-trust, be skilled in the practice, pragmatic knowledge formation, understanding of the old person, self-study of oneself, live up to the expectation, consider as the job, dissolve the stress and impose burden, feeling the lack regarding active approach in the practice.
The students have perceived the need of community health nursing through the clinical practice. Clinical practice of community health nursing requires content supplement, correction of instruction by public center nurses, environmental alteration, evaluation criteria set up. Experience of clinical practice in the public health center was as follows: Getting rid of the stereotype about public health center, nursing students comprehended variety and were worth while to do clinical practice in spite of tension & anxiety and fear. And they thought to be a community nurse someday.

RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing