The Effects of individual Characteristics and Health Beliefs on North Korean Refugees' Health Behavior
Jeung Hee Jeon, Young Suk Park
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2012;23(1):82-90. Published online March 31, 2012
DOI: https://doi.org/10.0000/jkachn.2012.23.1.82
The purpose of this study is to provide base data for preparing plans that North Korean (NK) Refugees can adjust themselves to our society with a healthy mind after they get over their health problems using the Health Belief Model, knowing the relationship between individual characteristics and health beliefs, and health behavior. METHODS The subjects were 304 NK adult refugees in Hanawon. Data were collected by demographic questionnaire, health behavior scale, self-efficacy scale, perceived benefit scale, perceived barrier scale, perceived seriousness, perceived sensibility, and individual characteristics. RESULTS The factors influencing the health behavior of NK refugees were perceived benefits, self-efficacy, the period in the third country and experience in being expelled to NK, and these variables were describing 31.4% of the health behaviors of refugees. CONCLUSION The perceived benefits and self-efficacy of health belief and specific experiences related to refugee affected NK refugees' health behavior.