Mediating Effects of Hope and Therapeutic Relationship in the Relation between General Social Functions and Mental Health Recovery of Community People with Mental Illness
Sun Hwa Shin, Jung Hee Hwang
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2019;30(1):69-78. Published online March 31, 2019
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12799/jkachn.2019.30.1.69
This study tries to test mediating effects of hope and therapeutic relationship in the relation between general social functions and mental health recovery of community people with mental illness. METHODS This study was carried out in a cross-sectional research design. The participants included 217 people with mental illnesses who were enrolled at eight Mental Health Welfare Centers in the Gyeonggi Province. Data were collected from February to May, 2018. The collected data were analyzed using a regression analysis, and SPSS PROCESS macro was used to test the mediating effects. RESULTS This study analyzed the direct effects of general social functions on the hope, therapeutic relationship and mental health recovery. And general social functions had indirect effects on their mental health recovery via hope and therapeutic relationship. Both hope and therapeutic relationship had dual mediating effects in the influence of general social functions on mental health recovery. CONCLUSION The role of hope and therapeutic relationship in the mental health recovery of community people with mental illness is important, and it is confirmed that hope is a powerful factor influencing mental health recovery.