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Jung Min Sung 1 Article
A Study on the Health Status, Burnout, and Burden of Primary Family Caregivers of the Elderly In-Patients
Kwuy Bun Kim, Jung Min Sung, Sohyune R Sok
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2008;19(2):216-225.   Published online June 30, 2008
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This study was to explore the level of health status, burnout, and burden of primary family caregivers of the elderly inpatients, and to identify the relations among the factors.
The subjects were a total of 232 primary family caregivers of elderly in-patients at K and E Medical Center, and were surveyed from March 1 to April 10, 2007. Measures were a health status measuring tool based on CMI developed by Brodman et al. (1945), the burnout measuring tool developed by Pines et al. (1981), and the burden measuring tool revised by Jung, Soo-Jin (1998). Data were analyzed by SPSS-WIN 12.0.
Firstly, the mean of health status was 1.69, which means that they were mostly healthy, and the mean of burnout was 2.66, which means that they were a little burned out. The mean of burden was 2.71, which means that they were a little burdened. Second, there were high correlations between health status and burnout, between health status and burden, and between burnout and burden. Third, there were significant difference in health status and burnout according to sex and relationship, and in burden according to sex, education level and relationship.
Nurses need to consider the characteristics, health status, burnout, and burden of primary family caregivers.

RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing