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Jung Nam Sohn 1 Article
A Relationship among Sexual contact, Sex Role Identity, and Self Esteem of Girls' High School Students
Jung Nam Sohn
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2003;14(3):468-478.   Published online September 30, 2003
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The purpose of this study is to identify the relationship among sexual contact, sex role identification, and self esteem in Korean girls' high school students.
The data were collected from 522 girls, who were stratified samples from a target population of 63,375 11th grade students from 200 regular high schools and 70 vocational high schools in Seoul, Korea from June 22 to July 18, 2002. Data were processed with the SAS program.
It was found that 42.51% of girls haven't experienced any sexual contact at all. The highest frequency in the final level of sexual contact was 'kiss', which was 22.03%. The 'androgyny' type among sex role identities of girls was most common, 32.57%, being followed by the 'undifferentiated' type 31.61%, the 'masculinity' type 18.97%, and the 'femininity' type 16.86, in that order. The sexual contacts such as 'holding hands', 'arms around', 'embracing', and 'kiss' were significantly different depending on sex role identity types. The score for self-esteem was significantly different depending on sex role identity types. The score for self-esteem was not significantly different depending on the final level of sexual contact.
Based on the findings of this study, sex education programs should be developed in order to delay the sexual contacts of girls.

RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing