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Jung Soon Moon 5 Articles
Exercise Performance and Exercise-related Factors of Korean and Korean-Chinese Nursing Students: A comparative Study
Young Ran Lee, Sun Nam Park, Sook Ja Yu, Jung Soon Moon
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2011;22(3):234-240.   Published online September 30, 2011
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The purpose of this study was to compare exercise performance with related factors between Korean and Korean-Chinese nursing students.
This study used a cross-sectional comparative survey method. One hundred sixty five Korean nursing students in Seoul, South Korea and 161 Korean-Chinese nursing students in Yanbian, China were recruited through convenience sampling. They were at the age of 19-26. Exercise performance and exercise-related factors were measured using the exercise performance degree scale and the scales of self-efficacy, perceived barriers, perceived benefits, and affection related to exercise.
No significant difference in exercise performance was seen between the two groups. Self-efficacy and perceived benefits related to exercise performance were significantly higher in the Korean nursing students than in the Korean-Chinese nursing students. However, there were no significant differences in affection and perceived barriers related to exercise.
We suggest that the reasons for the differences in self-efficacy and in perceived benefits between these two groups need to be explored though future studies. We suggest more studies comparing different groups having the same ethnicity as Korean but who were born into different societies to give answers regarding the influence of immigrated transition on health.


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  • Health Habit, Perceived Health Status and Physical Health Status of Young Korean and Korean-Chinese Women: A Comparative Study
    Young-Ran Lee, Eun-Ok Im, Sook-Ja Yu
    Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing.2015; 26(3): 312.     CrossRef
Subjective Symptoms of Musculoskeletal Disorders in Women Workers
Mee Young Gee, Jung Soon Moon
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2007;18(4):634-642.   Published online December 31, 2007
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To investigate subjective symptoms of musculoskeletal disorders in women workers.
From February to April, 2006, 292 women workers working in 16 companies were surveyed using KOSHA CODE (H-30-2003).
Of the workers, 84.0% had at least one musculoskeletal disorder. The mean score of the severity of musculoskeletal disorder symptoms was 7.41 out of 25. As for the prevalence rate by body part, shoulder was the most common and severe body part of musculoskeletal disorders, and significant differences were shown in neck, shoulder, and lower limb according to the type of working. The severity of married workers was significantly higher than that of unmarried ones. Significant difference was shown in the severity of disorders by the type of working and in body parts according to the type of working.
The self-reported symptoms of musculoskeletal disorders were very frequent in women workers, but the severity of the symptoms was relatively low, suggesting the early symptoms of disorders. Specifically, given the highly frequent self-reported symptoms in the shoulder part found in married women workers, intensive prevention is recommended. Furthermore, an ergonomic aspect should be concerned to consider physical characteristics of women workers.
Oral Health Behavior and Dental Health Status of Preschool Children
Jung Soon Moon, Byung Sun Song, Sun Nam Park
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2004;15(4):618-627.   Published online December 31, 2004
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To investigate the dental health status of kindergarten children according to their oral health behavior.
The subjects were 172 kindergarten children aged 5. A structured questionnaire was used for dental health behavior (and oral health status were examined by dentist and bacteria in salivary.
1. Mean score of oral health behavior of children was 4.69 points (SD1.65) with the highest score being 13. No significant differences were observed according to sex, except using tooth paste. A total 71.5% of subjects brushed their tooth twice a day, 9.9% of them once a day, 18.6% of them three times a day. 19.2% of children brushed their teeth after breakfast and lunch, 89.5% of then after dinner, 5.8% of them before going to bed. 18.6% of children brushed correctly, 79.7% of them used tooth paste with fluorine, 3.5% of them regularly examined oral cavity, 84.4% of them took cariogenic food without any restrain. (67.1% of them were observed with oral cavity by their mother. 2. Streptococcus mutans and lactobacilli in the saliva was 3.66 (x106 CFU/ml) and 1.05 (x103 CFU/ml), respectively. No significant differences were observed according to sex, while lactobacilli were significantly lower in those children who had regular dental examinations. 3. The index of plaque was 1.56 and the boys were significantly higher than the girls. The mean dft was 4.99. No significant differences were observed according to sex, while the children whose oral cavity was observed regular were significantly lower than those who were not observed.
As a whole the practice of oral health behavior of the kindergarten children was poor, and regular dental examinations and oral cavity observations affect their dental health status. These results suggest that intensive dental health education was needed not only for the pre-school children but also their parents and teachers.
A Survey on Activities and Fear of Falling in the Home-dwelling Elderly in Seoul and Gyonggi-do
Kyeong Yae Sohng, Jung Soon Moon
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2003;14(4):676-685.   Published online December 31, 2003
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To investigate the abilities to act and fear of falling in home-dwelling elderly.
This study interviewed 351 home-dwelling elders residing in Seoul and Gyonggi-do using a Survey of Activities and Fear of Falling in the Elderly.
Of the 351 subjects, 203 (57,8%) had activity restrictions. The main three activities that the subjects could not perform were going out when it is slippy, reaching something overhead and walking crowded places outside. According to general characteristics, performable activities were significantly fewer in subjects perceiving that their health status was low that those perceiving that their health status was high. On a scale of 3 points for fear of falling, the average score of the subjects was 1.46. The highest score of fear of falling was 2.62 for the activity of going out when it is slippery, next 1.87 for the activity of reaching something overhead. There was a significant inverse relationship between subjects' abilities to act and fear of falling.
The significant variables associated with fear of falling were gender (female), educational background, economic status (low-income), and experience of falls during the last one year. Thus further study is necessary, focused on the vulnerable population in order to prevent falls and to reduce fear of falling.
Industrial Fatigue and Low Back Pain of the Workers
Soon Lae Kim, Jung Soon Moon
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 1996;7(2):400-409.   Published online December 31, 1996
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To investigate industrial fatigue and low back pain, the questionaire survey for subjective symptoms of fatigue and low back pain was carried out among 591 male workers aged 20-55 employed in an automobile industry in Korea. Workers participated to this study were divided into low back pain group(LBP) and control group, according to the self-reports by written questionaires. The subjective sysptoms of fatigue comprised three groups of 10 items each, representing dullness and sleepiness(level of cerebral activation), difficulty in concentration(level of motivation) and bodily projection of fatigue. The resultant data were processed for chi2-test, t-test and a pearson's correlation coefficient to confirm the relationships. The results were as follows: 1. 30 items of fatigue subjective symptoms exeptone item, 'lack in perseverance', were directly associated with low back pain. 2. The percentage of fatigue complaint were sig nificantly higher in LBP group. 3. Of the 30 items of fatigue subjective symptoms, the highest percentage was accounted for 'eye strain'(27.9%), followed by 'whole body feels tired' and 'legs feel heavy'(22.9%), 'feel like lying'(21.4%), 'feel a pain in the low back'(18.7%), 'feel drowsy'(16.4%) and 'feel stiffness in the neck or the shoulders'(16.2%) in the order of sequence. 4. The average weighted score for the first group of fatigue items(dullness and sleepiness) was the largest among three groups and was followed by the second group(difficulty in concentration) and the third group(bodily projection of fatigue) in the order of sequence, suggesting the heavier shift work stress of the workers. 5. In the groups of the aged 30-40, work duration of 5-7yrs, heavy work amount and irregular work speed, significant high fatigue complaints were revealed in terms of eye strain, whole body feels tired, legs feel heavy, feel like lying, feel a pain in the low back and feel stiffness in the neck or the shoulders. 6. A significant negative correlations were shown between age, work duration and eleven subjective symptoms while positive reciprocal correlations were shown between eleven items with one another.

RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing