A Study on the Development of Self-help Program with Care Burden for Families with Demented Elderly Persons
Jung Soon Kim, Su Ill Lee, Ki Tae Kim, Nam Hee Park
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2005;16(3):260-269. Published online September 30, 2005
This study were to understand the caregiving situation of families with the demented elderly and to develop a self-help program for them. METHODS A self-help program was designed to increase caregivers' confidence and skills in problem solving. In addition, it was designed to provide information about the demented elderly. The self-help program of this study was composed of nine sessions. RESULTS Family caregivers of elderly patients with dementia obviously experience high level of stress. which often leads the caregivers to negative outcomes such as depression, interference with social activities and health difficulties. That is, caring is stressful for caregivers because the demands of the caregiving situation tend to overwhelm the caregivers' coping resources. Therefore, families with demented elderly persons need assistances in order to be relieved from their care burden. CONCLUSION The self-help program includes the understanding of dementia, the family caregiving experiences of the demented elderly persons, the time for self-care, the search for helping, the improving of interpersonal relations and communications.
An Investigation on the Status of Care-giving for the Demented Elderly and Desire for In-house Care Services
Jung Soon Kim, Sui Il Lee, Ki Tae Kim, Ihn Sook Jeong, Nam Hee Park, Kyung Nam Lee, Mung Soo Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2003;14(3):385-396. Published online September 30, 2003
The purpose of this study is to examine the status of care-giving for the demented elderly and to find out the need of community in-house care services- day care services, short-term care services, home help services, and home care services. METHOD It analyzed the data of 186 old people having dementia, and caregivers. Data were collected for five days, in September 2002. RESULTS The caregivers were mostly women and the burden for the care giving was high (87.5%). They used community care services, that is, day care services (26.5%), home care services (21.6%), home help services (10.8%), short-term care services (6.2%). Caregivers' age and education level were significant factors in the demand for day care services. Caregivers' education level was a statistically significant factor in the demand for short-term care services and home help services. Caregivers' age and education level were significant factors in the demand for home care services. CONCLUSIONS It is necessary to expand the financial aid for the active implementation of daytime protection for dementia-patients under medical treatment at home and to promote patients' recovery. It is necessary to enhance home help services and home care services, and to establish many day care centers and short term care centers. Through this, it will prevent caregivers from becoming burnt out due to the burden of care giving.