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Kyoul Ja Cho 2 Articles
A Comparative Study of Health State and School Adaptation between Children in Divorced Family and in Normal Family
Eun Sun Ji, Kyoul Ja Cho
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2002;13(4):743-756.   Published online December 31, 2002
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This study is a descriptive and comparative study that compares health state and school adaptation between children in divorced family and in normal family. Study results will provide a basic data for the development of an intervention program designed to help children in divorced family adjust to their crisis.
The study subjects consisted of 700 children in 4th 5th or 6th elementary school grade residing Seoul and Kyunggi regions Among these subjects 123 were children with divorced family and 577 were children with normal family. The health status of the subjects was measured by health Symptom Questionnaire developed by Shin and revised by the investigators. The instrument consisted of 30 items measuring physical and emotional health symptoms. The level of school adaptation scale developed by Lee which consisted of 4 dimensions with 20 items what measures relationship with peer students learning activity observance of regulation and participation of school activity. The investigators visited the schools and collected data in the classes using the questionnaire after explaining the purpose and procedures of the study to the children The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics Yo2-test t-test ANOVA using the SPSS PC+ statistical program.
First the mean health state score in children with normal family (M=11.99) was higher than that in children with divorced family (M=19.15) showing a significant difference (t=-6.51 p=.000) between the two groups which suggests that children with normal family have better health state than children with divorced family. Second the mean school adaptation score in children with normal family (M=39.99) was higher than that in children with divorced family (M=26.97) showing a significant difference between the two groups (t=104.07 p=.000) which suggests that the school adaptation of children with normal family is better than that of children with divorced family Third in comparison of health state between the two groups by general characteristics there were significant differences between the two groups in sex the most contributing factor to health status of the children school year birth order religion school achievement amount of monthly pocket money parents level of formal education occupation of parents economic status (p<.05) Forth in comparison of the level of school adaptation between the two groups by general characteristics there were significant differences between the two groups in most varibales (p<0.05) suggesting that children with normal family had better capacity of school adaptation than children with divorced family.
As a result this study showed that the parent's divorce had great influence on children's health status and school adaptation capacity. The implication for nursing is that there is a need to develop supportive interventions for the high-risk children who have decreased health states and school adaptation capacity due to the divorce of their parents. In addition it is recommended that further studies should be conducted to explore protective factors for the prevention of health and adaptation problems in children.
The Effect of Thermotherapy on High School Girls' Dysmenorrhea
In Sun Kang, Kyoul Ja Cho
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2001;12(3):773-784.   Published online December 31, 2001
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The study was conducted to test the effectiveness of thermotherapy for high school girls who suffered from disruption in school activities through dysmenorrhea, and to study the extent of its availability in school infirmaries as one of the nursing methods. The test for the study was designed to make a contrast between half of the subjects (20) who did not receive the thermotherapy, and the rest (20) who did during the period from February 15th to April 14th, 2001. Measurements were taken of the subjects who complained of painful menstruation by a set of variables. The variables that were established and complemented by Hur, Mung-heang (1985) consist of 29 items that assess the dysmenorrhea and vitality through the symptoms of primary menstruation visually. Spsswin was used to analyze the data. The Cronbach-alpha method was used for statistic confidence, and the test effect of both the subjects and the contrary ones was analyzed by way of T-test. The conclusions are as follow. (1) The hypothesis 1 states that the subjects with themotherapy have a lower degree of dysmenorrhea rather than the contrary ones without it. By the above assessment, there was a quantitative difference between the subjects at 39.40, and the contrary ones at 22.0. After the themotherapy, the degree of dysmenorrhea in the subjects was low indicating that there is a still 5% chance of statistic meaningful difference (t= 2.651,P=.012). As a result, the first hypothesis was accepted. (2) The hypothesis 2 states that the subjects with themotherapy have a different primary menstruation than those without. Data indicate that there was a difference of -5.95 and -4.80. The subjects showed low degrees. Since it was statistically insignificant (t=-1.398, P=.170), the second hypothesis was rejected. (3) The hypothesis 3 states that the subjects with themotherapy have a different vitality. The vitality was measured in three aspects. pulse rate (/min) The hypothesis 3' states that the subjects with themotherapy have the different pulse rate from those without. Data indicate that there was no statistically meaningful difference between the two groups (t=.237 , P=. 814). Therefore, the third 1st hypothesis was rejected. Respiration rate The hypothesis 3" states that the subjects with themotherapy have a different respiration rate between pre-thermotherapy and postthermotherapy, in contrast with the ones without it. The data show that there was no statistically meaningful difference (t=.133, P=.895). A little respiration rate difference was shown between pre-and post-. Likewise, the third 2nd hypothesis was rejected. Blood pressure In the 3rd sub-hypothesis that there would be a difference between experimental and controlled groups was also rejected, because there was no statistically significant difference between the contracting blood pressure and the relaxing blood pressure. In terms of vitality, the pulse rate, respiration rate and blood pressure have no statistical meaning but the first two ones show the decreasing in the rate. In short, though exclusive studies focused on thermo therapy have not been conducted and the comparison can not be made, this study shows not only that the thermotherapy is very effective to dysmenorrhea, but also that it can be available in school infirmaries as one of the nursing methods.

RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing