The Development of Community Health Service for the Demented Elderly in Cooperation Between Private Medical Facilities and Public Health Centers
Jin Joo Oh, Kyung Ae Kim, Jae Il Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2007;18(4):593-600. Published online December 31, 2007
This research was carried out to present an ideal cooperative model between the public and private health sectors for the management of community dementia patients. METHOD In this study a public-private cooperative council was formed, basic data for dementia patients and their families were collected, and a dementia service program was carried out in cooperation between the two sectors. RESULTS The survey data shows the majority of the registered patients were undergoing a chronic diseases which would make the dementia health service inefficient. The cooperative public-private council adopted the reinforcement of medical service to the public enrolled dementia patients. The intensive medical service program showed effects on the health status of the dementia patients. CONCLUSION The results of this study pointed out that change of the health insurance program supportive to the private sectors to be made; a referral system for the public health sector to the private sector should be established; and expanding the capacity of the visiting health program in the public health sector is needed.