Factors Associated with Depression in Older Adults Living Alone during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Eun Hye Hong, Kyung Hee Lee
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2022;33(4):418-431. Published online December 31, 2022
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12799/jkachn.2022.33.4.418
- Purpose
The aims of this study were to examine the rate of depression among older adults living alone and to identify factors associated with depression in older adults living alone during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Methods: A secondary data analysis was performed using data from the 2020 Korea Community Health Survey. The study participants were 18,824 older adults aged 65 years and over living alone. The data of the complex sample design was analyzed with consideration for weights, stratification, and clustering. Complex sample multiple logistic regression was conducted to identify factors associated with depression in older adults living alone during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Results: The results showed that the rate of depression in older adults living alone was 6.3%. Older adults living alone with decreased physical activity, decreased hours of sleep, and an increased or similar frequency of meeting with friends or neighbors were found to be more likely to have depression. In terms of factors related to the practice of COVID-19 infection prevention and control rules, not disinfecting regularly and not wearing a mask indoors were related to depression.
For health-related factors, fair or poor self-rated health status, not having breakfast every day, and feeling stressed were related to depression.
Conclusion: It is recommended to develop tailored interventions to prevent depression among older adults living alone by considering the factors related to their depression during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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in South Korea: Rapid review and a post-hoc analysis
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Job Analysis of Visiting Nurses in the Process of Change Using FGI and DACUM
Ji Eun Kim, In Sook Lee, Jin A Choo, Song Whi Noh, Han Na Park, So Hyeon Gweon, Kyung Hee Lee, Kyoung Ok Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2022;33(1):13-31. Published online March 31, 2022
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12799/jkachn.2022.33.1.13
- Purpose
This study conducted a job analysis of visiting nurses in the process of change. Methods Participants were the visiting nurses working for the Seoul Metropolitan city. On the basis of the Public Health Intervention Wheel model, two times of the focus group interview (FGI) with seven visiting nurses and one time of the Developing a Curriculum (DACUM) with 34 visiting nurses were performed. A questionnaire survey of 380 visiting nurses was conducted to examine the frequency, importance and difficulty levels of the tasks created by using the FGI and DACUM. Results Visiting nurses’ job was derived as the theme of present versus transitional roles. The present role was categorized as ‘providing individual- and group-focused services’ and ‘conducting organization management’, while the transitional role was categorized as ‘providing district-focused services’ and ‘responding to new health issues’. The job generated 13 duties, 28 tasks, and 73task elements. The tasks showed the levels of frequency (3.65 scores), importance (4.27 scores), and difficulty (3.81 scores). All the tasks were determined as important, exceeding the average 4.00 scores. The group- and district-focused services of the tasks were recognized as more difficult but less frequent tasks. Conclusion The visiting nurses exert both present and transitional roles. The transitional roles identified in the present study should be recognized as an extended role of visiting nurses in accordance with the current changing healthcare needs in South Korea. Finally, the educational curriculum for visiting nurses that reflects the transitional roles from the present study is needed.
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An Intervention Study of Self-feeding for the Elderly in Nursing Homes
Kyung Hee Lee
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2017;28(4):450-462. Published online December 31, 2017
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12799/jkachn.2017.28.4.450
This study aims to investigate the effects of an intervention of self-feeding for elderly residents who were eating with assistance or eating by himself/herself with spilling food. METHODS The Participants were 11 elderly people and 6 formal caregivers from 7 nursing homes in Korea. The intervention was to use the spoon and chopstick sets designed for compensating the weakened eating function. Both quantitative and qualitative data were collected through observation, structured questions, and in-depth interviews. RESULTS The mealtime was significantly increased by 3.2 minutes (p=.011) after the intervention. Three themes were extracted for the meaning of self-feeding expressed by the elders; fighting alone for self-feeding, pride of participating in the study, and burden for self-feeding and research participation. Caregivers expressed the meaning of the elder's self-feeding such as the regret of missed chances, facilitating rehabilitation, the increase of the eating pleasure and quality of care, and ambivalence. CONCLUSION Self-feeding has become an opportunity to recognize life values for the elders in nursing homes; for the caregivers, to reconsider caring of the elderly. Posture and eating utensils were also important to improve self-feeding skills.
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- Structure Healthcare Standards and Criteria That Contribute to the Care of Residents in Homes for the Elderly: A Narrative Review
Victor Mathias, Ethelwynn L. Stellenberg, Mariana van der Heever Journal of Aging and Environment.2024; 38(4): 367. CrossRef
The State of College Freshmen's Smoking and the Application of Cessation Programs
Gui Yun Choi, Kyung Hee Lee
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2007;18(2):301-309. Published online June 30, 2007
Based on the results of a survey on college freshmen's smoking, this study examined the application of smoking cessation programs. METHODS The opinions of 89 smokers who were college freshmen were investigated and analyzed using a survey questionnaire. RESULTS Among the survey respondents, the largest percentage (47.2%) replied 'little satisfied' to the question on the with campus life. Of the participants, 57.3% considered that their health state was bad because of smoking. As to motives for smoking, 'curiosity' was most frequent. Smokers had more smoking friends than nonsmoking ones. The 82% of the smokers had experience in stopping smoking. Among smoking cessation methods, the self overcoming was most frequent(50.6%). During the survey, 28 smokers applied for the cessation program and they favored e-mails for information. E-mails were sent to them once in a week for 6 weeks and short messages were sent to their cell phone in order to encourage them to read the e-mails. CONCLUSIONS To encourage and maintain smoking cessation, it is recommended to have a personalized or small group program. More researches are needed to execute the program and evaluate results. Colleges need to have an innovative approach on smoking prevention and cessation services.
The Implementation of PBL Module in Community Health Nursing
Kyung Hee Lee
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2007;18(1):156-164. Published online March 31, 2007
This study was to investigate adequate strategies of PBL in community health nursing for learning in the real community situation. METHOD Data were collected in a PBL class of 14 third-year students who solved problems and assessed PBL in community health nursing related to visiting nursing and chronic diseases. RESULTS The students guessed situations diversely, chose learning issues widely and mapped the learning concepts specifically. In the assessment of the presentation, the peers of the same group gave the highest score 29.00+/-3.36, the tutor lowest score 22.83+/-5.15. In 5-point Likerts scale, the group dynamic was highest (4.18+/-.61) and the presentation was lowest (3.59+/-.84). CONCLUSION The group needs to include students who have experiences in the practice at the health centers. The PBL class should be managed by the block system along with the conventional learning. Students needs to practice the self-directed learning and the presentation in a first semester and then PBL. The introduction of community health nursing begins with the conventional lecture and the programs on life circle and health centers through PBL in the comprehensive curriculums.
A study of Adolescent Smoking Related Factors in the Seoul Area
Chung Yul Lee, Mi Hye Suh, Won Jung Cho, Sun Hyoung Bae, Kyung Hee Lee, Ok Kyung Ham, Ku Min Seo
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2004;15(1):95-101. Published online March 31, 2004
The purpose of this study was to identify factors influencing adolescent smoking behavior in the Seoul area. METHOD A total of 6,352 middle and high school students living in the Gangnam district of Seoul participated in the study. A self-report survey method was used to identify factors related to smoking. RESULT A stepwise logistic regression analysis identified four factors associated with adolescent smoking: living with a parent who smokes (OR=1.4), having friend(s) who smoke (OR=14.8), negative attitudes toward passive smoking(OR=4.8), and ignorance of the impact of smoking on health(OR=4.6). CONCLUSION Based on the study results, components of effective programs to reduce adolescent smoking rates should include programs to deal with peer pressure to smoke and to reduce the impact of parents who smoke, to increase knowledge of the impact of smoking, and to promote positive attitudes toward anti-smoking.
Evaluation research on the application of Problem-Based Learning program in community health nursing
Chung Yul Lee, Won Jung Cho, Margaret J Storey, Eui Sook Kim, Kyung Hee Lee, Sun Hyoung Bae, Gwang Suk Kim, Ku Min Seo, Ok Kyung Ham
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2003;14(4):579-586. Published online December 31, 2003
- The goal of community health nursing courses is to prepare student nurses so that they become able to perform a variety of nursing roles in community. To achieve this goal, programs for community health nursing must develop students' abilities to function independently as community health nurses. This study evaluated the effectiveness of Problem-based Learning(PBL) as a teaching method in programs for community health nursing at four-year colleges of nursing. The subjects of this study were senior students at Y University. The study was designed as a descriptive & comparative survey. To determine the effectiveness of PBL, the author analyzed the process and results of teaching. The PBL teaching method was found to be significantly effective in building critical thinking abilities and increasing knowledge. The results also showed that the 43 students who were taught by both PBL and lecture teaching methods got a significantly higher knowledge score than the other 28 students who were taught only by lectures. As for the future direction of community health nursing courses, a teaching strategy involving both PBL and lectures is recommended.
Analysis on the Attitude and Beliefs of Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Nurses
Kyung Hee Lee, Kyung Min Park
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2000;11(1):222-230. Published online June 30, 2000
- Complementary & Alternative Medicine(CAM) have become increasingly popular with health care consumer in recent years. The nurse's attitude and beliefs about CAM will influence the response. to the patient's demands and inquiries.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the attitude and beliefs of nurses about CAM. The study was performed in 600 nurses from October to December in 1999 : Nurses were working one university hospital & one general hospital were located in TaeGu city. and two general hospitals located in Kyung Buk city. The study used specially designed questionnaire to 600 nurses, and analyzed by using descriptive statistics, ANOVA data based on 460 completed questionnaire.
The findings of the study are as following.
1. The credible forms of subject about CAM were ranked acupunture (66.1%). herbal medicine(56.5%), Sooji chim (50.4%) et al.
2. In the credibility of subject about CAM there were not significant difference by age. clinical career, marriage, health status. The most reason of positive credibility was 'Being human perspective and spiritual supporting'. While the most reason of negative credibility was 'the lack of science test and doubt of disease treatment'.
3. In the experienced rate of subject about CAM there were significant difference not by health status but by age(chi2=10.096, p= .006), clinical career(chi2=7.648 p= .022), marriage(chi2=9.317. p= .002). In the satistied rate of subject about CAM there were not significant difference by age, clinical career, marriage, health status.
4. The most usable forms of subject about CAM in nurse's practice was Mu(sic therapy55.9%), and ranked massage (50.9%), acupressure(32.8%). Sooji chim (27.8%) et al.