A Study on the Relation between Stress Factors and Self-esteem of Male Middle School Students
Kyung Hee Yang, Boc Nam Park, Jeong Ran Lee
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2006;17(4):542-551. Published online December 31, 2006
- No abstract available.
Factors Affecting High School Students' Drinking and Smoking Behaviors and the Relation between Them
Jeong Ran Lee, Boc Nam Park, Kyung Hee Yang
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2005;16(2):196-204. Published online June 30, 2005
This study was to investigate the relation among social support, drinking and smoking and to identify factors affecting high school students' smoking and drinking behaviors. METHODS Data were collected from 361 high school students (182 students in 2 preparatory schools and 179 students in 2 vocational high schools) who were selected through convenient sampling. Data were analyzed using SPSS 11.5 for Windows. RESULTS Factors affecting smoking behavior were drinking(OR=15.86. p<0.01), school type(R=11.82, p<0.01), school record(OR=46.62. p<0.001), pocket money (OR= 10.91. p<0.01) and brother's smoking (OR=9.09. p<0.05). Factors affecting drinking behavior were smoking(OR=8.32. p<0.01), school type(OR=2.53. p<0.01), school record(OR=2.35. p<0.01), pocket money(OR=2.01. p<0.05), father's educational background(OR=2.126. p<0.05), mother's drinking(OR= 1.83. p<0.05) and relationship with teacher (OR=2.44. p<0.01). CONCLUSION The behaviors of drinking and smoking in high school students were highly correlated with each other. School record, school type, pocket money and family member's behaviors influenced student's behaviors. Further study is required to estimate the effect of drinking and smoking intervention programs according to student's characteristics such as school record, school type, pocket money management, and family members' influence.
Factors Affecting Middle School Students' Smoking Behavior
Kyung Hee Yang, Young Hee Kim, Jeong Ran Lee
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2005;16(1):40-48. Published online March 31, 2005
- No abstract available.
The Study on the Family Functionality and Spousal Relationship of Middle-aged Women to Develop Health Promoting Program
Kyung Hee Yang, Young Hee Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2001;12(3):680-695. Published online December 31, 2001
- The purpose of this study was to provide basic data for developing nursing intervention for middle-aged women. This study identified health status, family functionality and spousal relationship and analyzed relationship between individual characteristics and family functionality/spousal relationship.
The subjects of this study were 1,723 women from 45 to 55 years of age, who lived in J city.
Data were analyzed using percentages, means, t-tests, ANOVA and Pearson's correlation coefficients with the SPSS statistical program.
The results of the study were as follow: 1. The rate of women who perceived themselves to be healthy was 36.6%, those who did not was 30.8%. The most frequent health problem was a disease of the skeletal system (13.2%).
2. The mean score of family functionality was 3.25+/-.60, with cohesion score of 3.58+/-.66 and adaptability score of 2.99+/-.63.
3. The mean score of total spousal relationship was 3.22+/-.42; the relationship with in-laws was 3.78; sexual relationship, 3.74; life style, 3.44; and recreational activity, 3.39.
4. The women who experienced menopause perceived themselves to be unhealthier than those who did not.
5. Healthy women had a high score at total spousal relationship, personality of spouse, life style, recreational activity, and children's influence.
6. The women from 40 to 50 years of age, and women who graduated from middle or high school and had medium economic status showed a high score in family functionality. There was no correlation between family functionality and experience of the menopause.
7. Lower aged women were not good in personality of spouse (p<.05), sexual relationship (p<.05), and relationship with relatives (p<.05). Inexperienced women's menopause was influenced by their children (p<.05). Women who graduated from middle or high school (p<.001) and had medium economic status (p<.05) showed a high score in spousal relationship.
8. The higher the family functionality score, the higher spousal relationship score (p<.001); love and communication (p<.001), personality of husband (p<.05), and religion (p<.001), relationship with relatives (p<.05), but the lower the score of recreational activity (p<.05), and share of role (p<.001) in the spousal relationship.
8. The higher the family functionality score, the higher spousal relationship score (p<.001); love and communication (p<.001), personality of husband (p<.05), and religion (p<.001), relationship with relatives (p<.05), but the lower the score of recreational activity (p<.05), and share of role (p<.001) in the spousal relationship .
9. In the family functionality, the higher the cohesion score, the higher was the adaptability score (p<.001).
1) The higher the cohesion score, the higher were love and communication, personality of husband, life style, sexual relationship, and children's influence, but the lower were share of role in spousal relationship(p<.001).
2) The higher the adaptability score, the higher were love and communication, religion, but the lower were the personality of husband, life style, sexual relationship, recreational activity, relationship with relatives, share of role(p<.001), and children's influence in spousal relationship (p<.05).
10. Variables within the spousal relationship have relationships with other variables.
1) The higher the love and communication score, the higher personality of husband religion, life style, communication, relationship with relatives, and children's influence (p<.001).
2) The higher personality of husband life style sexual relationship, recreational activity, relationship with relatives, share of role, and children's influence (p<.001).
3) The higher the religion score, the lower the recreational activity score (p<.05).
4) The higher the life style, the higher were the sexual relationship, recreational activity, relationship with relatives, share of role, and children's influence (p<.001).
5) The higher the sexual relationship score, the higher were recreational activity, relationship with relatives, share of role, and children's influence (p<.001).
6) The higher the recreational activity, the relationship with relatives, share of role, and children's influence (p<.001).
7) The higher the relationship with relatives, the higher were the share of role, the higher children's influence (p<.001)).
In conclusion, the spousal relationship was not good in unhealthy women, and the family functionality was related with the age of women and educational level. Also the spousal relationship was related with the age of women, personality of husband, sexual relationship, relationship with relatives by marriage and influence of sons and daughters. Menopause was related with spousal relationship, not related with family functionality. And the family functionality not related with perceived health status, but was correlated with spousal relationship.
Therefore, the health management program for middle-aged woman should take place before menopause and must be based on promoting the family functionality and spousal relationship as well as physical health.
The effects of Ki on the Elderly with Chronic Illness
Kyung Hee Yang, Hey Sook Jang, Myeong Soo Lee, Hwa Jeong Heh
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 1999;10(2):412-421. Published online December 31, 1999
- The purpose of current study was to investigate the effects of Ki-therapy which improves mood state and relieves pain on the elderly with chronic illness. The subjects were 42 elderly and convenience sampling(incidental sampling) was used to prevent contamination to the control group.
Frequency, %, chi2, t-test, and repeated measure ANOVA by SPSS PC + program were used to analyze the data.
The mean age of subjects was 72.95(Control group), 73.10(experimental group). Number of complains was 2.45(control group), 2.65 (experimental group). All of demographic characteristics of subjects. that is, age, weight. number of complains. educational background. family type. economic state, perceived health state were homogeneous. There are many difficulties in ADL & IADL. 14.2% in shopping, mode of transportation, ability to handle finances. 11.9% in ability to use telephone. continence, 7.1% in bathing, food preparation, transfer, and housekeeping.
As the result of this study. slight improvement of mood state and pain relief were found. Although 3 improved items of "clear-headed", "lively", and "nervous" were statistically significant. the pain relief was not statistically significant. It requires repeated treatment and measurement. And suggested case study or qualitative study in further studies because manufacturing of environment(i. e. rain) is very difficult in community people.
A Study of Nurse Legal Obligation and Responsibility Related to their work
Kyung Hee Yang, Jong Hoon Hwang, Young Hee Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 1998;9(2):303-312. Published online December 31, 1998
- The purpose of this study was to survey the knowledge level, attitude and practice of nurses toward their work. The subjects of the study were composed of 98 nurses from 3 general hospitals, 1 oriental medical hospital, 2 health centers and several community health posts and schools.
Data were collected from May to October, 1998. In data analysis, an SPSS PC program was utilized for descriptions.
1) 16 nurses (16.3%) experienced medical accidents on the 7 nurses(7.1%) 1 time, 6 nurses (6.1%) 2 times, and 3 nurses(3.1%) 3 times.
2) Concerning knowledge of their legal obligations; the prohibition of telling secrets was .89, the prohibition of reading medical records was .58, the keeping of medical records was 1.0 and the teaching of recuperation was. 79. The total mean score was. 86.
Concerning attitude and practice; the prohibition of telling secrets was 81.6%, 63.3%. The prohibition of reading medical records was 61.2%, 60.2%. The keeping of medical records was 98%, 98%. The explanation for treatment, care and test was 91.8%, 66.3%. The teaching for recuperation was 63.3%, 63.3%.
3) Knowledge of their legal responsibilities; 29. 6% of the subjects thought that they should report a medical accident to their headnurse, but 75.5% of the subjects actually reported to the headnurse. 39.8% of the subjects thought that nurses were liable for the faults of nursing aides. The total mean score was .45. 46% of the subjects asked a senior staff's advide on difficult affairs.
Nurses obeyed legal obligations when concern ing the protection of a client, but were passive when concerning self protection. Also, headnurses were required as adviser, guide and advocate.