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Kyung Sook Bang 4 Articles
A Study to Assess the Need of Customized Visiting Health Care Services for Children according to Socioeconomic Status in a Province
Hee Ja Kim, Kyung Sook Bang, Jae Soon Yoo, Hyun Sook Kim, Yang Ju Tak, Bo Yun Huh
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2011;22(2):212-222.   Published online June 30, 2011
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This study was conducted to survey children's health status and need of customized visiting health care services in one province.
The participants in this study were 237 caregivers of infants and preschoolers. Data were collected at the participant's home or public health center.
Many of the children did not receive developmental screening tests or dental examinations. In the beneficiary group, the prenatal checkup rate and children's vaccination rate were lower, and caregivers had more health problems than the other groups. On the assessment of home safety, unsafe conditions were more frequently found in the beneficiary group. The caregivers in the beneficiary group showed lower child rearing confidence than the other groups, and wanted customized visiting health care services most in the areas of developmental screening, regular health check-up and counseling, nutritional supplementation, and oral health care.
These results indicate that it is necessary for children and parents in poverty to be provided with professional home visiting interventions for the promotion of child health and prevention of developmental problems and diseases. These findings can be used for developing future customized visiting health care service programs for infants and children in this community area.


Citations to this article as recorded by  
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Health Care Management Status of Pre-Schoolers Depending on the Children's Characteristics
Kyung Sook Bang, Hye Ra Yoo
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2004;15(1):84-94.   Published online March 31, 2004
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The purpose of this study was to examine the health care management status of preschoolers depending on the children's characteristics.
The sample of this study were 212 mothers of preschoolers attending Child-Care-Centers in three cities, Seoul, Daejon, and Suwon, in Korea. A self-administered questionnaire developed by investigators was used to collect data from September 15 to October 31, 2002. Data was analyzed with SPSS 11.5 Win program.
5.7% of the children had not completed their vaccination programs. Children who were second or later birth order showed less complete vaccination rates than firstborn babies. Children who had working mothers showed less complete vaccination rates than those whose mothers did not work. Among the various vaccinations, the DPT and MMR booster vaccination rates were the lowest. Home safety scores were higher when mothers have younger children, higher monthly incomes and reside in apartment type houses. Forty-one(41%) of the preschoolers experienced accidents, and the accident rate was higher in boys and children with easy temperament. The most frequently experienced accident was laceration. Twenty eight point eight percent(28.8%) of the children experienced hospitalization because of various diseases. Most of the mothers perceived their children healthy. However, children who were second or third born were perceived less as healthy. Children in families with less monthly income were perceived as less healthy.
This study provided basic data about preschoolers' health care management status focusing on vaccinations and accident rates. More attention should be paid to preschoolers' health and safety. Related factors found in this study should be considered when providing anticipatory guidance for parents.
A Study on the Evaluation of Maternal Child Health Services in Public Health Centers
Yong Soon Kim, Jee Won Park, Kyung Sook Bang, Soon Re Jung, Hea Suk Woo, Hea Jung Lee, Hyeon Soon Jang
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2002;13(2):280-291.   Published online June 30, 2002
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This study was conducted to evaluate the maternal child health services provided by public health centers in Pyungtaek city.
Data were collected based on multiple sources of official records. A questionnaire survey was obtained from 50 mothers with premature babies, and 89 mothers with full- term babies, in order to compare their demographic factors, and physical, obstetrical, and emotional status. In addition, the investigators collected data on pre and post follow-up care for the remature group to evaluate the effects of home visiting services on them. Moreover, additional data were collected from 135 pregnant women and 315 mothers with infants, to assess their degree of satisfaction for prenatal education course and breast feeding practices.
1) The pregnant women's satisfaction for the prenatal education course, knowledge, and practices on self care were considered to be high. 2) Of the mothers with infants, 62.9% experienced breast feeding, but only 35.9% of them did it for six months. 3) Premature birth rate in the region was 5.6%, and 75.6% of all premature babies received follow-up care. 4) The mothers with premature babies experienced premature rupture of membrane, placenta previa, preeclampsia, and cesarean section more frequently than the mothers with full-term babies. 5) At the pre-intervention data collection point, mothers with premature babies experienced significantly less social support than mothers with full-term babies. In addition, mothers with premature babies reported higher levels of stress and care-giving burdens, and lower level of self esteem, than mothers with full-term babies, although the differences were not statistically significant. 6) In the premature group, stress, care giving burdens, and postpartum depression decreased after the intervention, whereas maternal self esteem, and the husband's support were increased after the intervention. Social support from significant others were somewhat decreased. 7) Satisfaction for the home visiting service in the mothers with premature babies was very high.
These results showed a possibility that the recently started maternal child health services provided by the public health centers may be efficient. Although statistically significant differences were not found, the investigators found a potential for changes in a positive direction. Long-term effects of the health services on maternal child health needs should be addressed in future studies.
The Study on the Model Development and Analysis of 'Child Growth and Developmental Clinic': Focusing on the public health center
Kyung Ja Han, Kyung Sook Bang, Soon Nyoung Yun
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2001;12(1):49-59.   Published online March 31, 2001
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This study was intended to develop the framework of public health center based 'Child growth and developmental clinic' and analyze the efficiency of services. This was the part of Mother-Child Health Guidance Project by the Public Health Center in Seoul. The purposes of this project were to improve children's health and development with early detection of developmental delay by screening test, and to assist and guide the parent for child care and rearing, so that children can reach their maximum potential.
Framework and standards for operation of 'Child growth and development clinic' were developed. We selected screening tool, developed parent education materials, and educated the personnel of public health center.
243 children were enrolled for developmental screening, and we detect the children with developmental delay and referred them for further evaluation. The proportion of developmental delayed children was approximately 2% of the enrolled children. Also, we analyzed the characteristics of enrolled children, and their parental needs and attitude on child rearing. Some problems in operation of developmental clinic were discussed.
Though we can found some limitations, we are confident that pubic health center can be charge of important role for improving child development for the majority. This study will be the basis of children's developmental clinic running by public health center.

RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing