The Relationship between Total Body Fat Distribution and the Broca Index of Obese Students in High Schools
Lee Sun Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 1998;9(2):458-466. Published online December 31, 1998
- The purpose of this study is to investigate the differences in body fat distribution between obese boys and girls in high school and the relationship between the precent of body fat and the Broca Index.
The survey of data was conducted from November 3rd to the 11th in 1997. The data were analyzed by the use of a mean, standard deviation and a Pearson's correlation coefficient.
Measurements of the percentage of body fat and lean body mass were made by a Bioelectrical Impedence while height, weigh and the Broca index were measured by a fatness measuring system.
First, measurements of height, weight and the Broca index were made by a fatness measuring system on 1,125 1st year students and 1,076 2nd year students. The result of measurements, 216 obese boys and 100 obese girls appeared to have above 10% of the Broca index.
The result of this study can be summarized as follows: 1) Obese boys and girls were grouped by the level of the Broca index as follows: boys, 110~less than 120 60.0%, 120~less than 130 20.8%, 130~less than 140 11.1%, above 140 7.4%. ; girls, 110~less than 120 44.4%, 120~less than 130 32.0%, 130~less than 140 13.0%, above 140 11.0%.
2) Obese boys and girls were grouped by level of the percentage of body fat by Bioelectrical Impedence as follows: boys, less than 20% 5%, 20%~less than 25% 34.7%, above 25% 33.8% ; girls. less than 25% 15.0%, 25%~less than 30% 43.0%, above 30% 42.0%.
3) In obese boys the Broca index score appeared to be positively related to body weight(r=.741, p<.001), the percent of body fat(r=.604, p<.001), lean body mass(r=.375, p<.001), body fluid(r=.445, p<.001l). On the other hand the percent of body fat was not a significant correlation of lean body mass (r=-.074), body fluid(r=-.073).
4) In obese girls, the Broca index score appeared to be positively related to body weight(r=.693, p<.001), the percent of body fat(r=.645, p<.001), lean body mass(r=.531, p<.001), body fluid(r=.532, p<.01), and the percent of body weight score appeared to be positively related to lean body mass(r=.206, p<.01), body fluid(r=.207, p<.01).
A Q-Methodological Study on the Community Nursing Practice of Nursing Students
Lee Sun Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 1997;8(1):133-143. Published online June 30, 1997
- This study measures the subjectivity of nursing students' experience in community fields through community nursing practice.
The purpose of this study is as follows: 1) to find out typologies based on opinions and attitudes toward community nursing practice.
2) to describe the characteristic of each type.
3) to provide alternative strategies for solving community nursing practice problems. A Q-Methodological method was used for that purpose.
As a research method, Q-statements were collected through indepth interviews and review of the current literature.
For this study 34 Q-statements were selected. 24 nursing students were subjects for the research. The 24 nursing students sorted 34 Q-statements using the principle of Forced Normal Distribution. The principle of Forced Normal Distribution, which has nine scales to measure individual opinions, was called, a Q- Factor Analysis by using a PC Quanl Program to supply the material.
According to the results of this study, there were three categories of opinion concerning community nursing practice.
The first type is the realistic problem-oriented approach: the second type is the self-responsibility or pursuit of life meaning approach: the third type is the group approach for problem solving.
As a result, we need to develop and revise a more realistic way of community nursing practice for nursing students.
Finally, the result of this study will provide to the educational program alternative strategies for community nursing practice for nursing students.
The Concept of Hope of Stroke Patient: A Review of the Literature for Nursing
Lee Sun Kim, Bo Sun Huang
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 1995;6(2):212-233. Published online December 31, 1995
- Cerebrovascular diseases in Korea is an important health problem since mortality and mobidity have been increasing rapidly. Cerebrovascular diseases marked the 2nd rank of cause specific death rate in 1993. The ploblem of emotion after a stroke has received very little attention from the nursing profession until recently. Even the frequency of the emotional disorder after stroke is uncertain, and there has been very little research. Emotional disorder after stroke was related to limited social function, guilty conscience, helplessness, hopelessness, powerlessness, alienation, and damage of self-image. In the stroke patient, hope may be related to a rehabilitation or enhancing physical condition. Inspiring hope is necessary when stroke patients are unable to mobilize energy on their own behalf and perceive limited or no person choices available. Inspiring hope is an intervention that can be used with many nursing diagnoses, especially when feelings of helplessness, hopelessness, powerlessness, and depression are present. The nurse can inspire hope by understanding the hoping process.
On the basis of this literature review, the following suggestions are prosed.
1) Qualitative studies on hope have been done to indentify variables that affect maintenance of hope in the chronically ill patients.
2) In the development of an instrument to measure hope, the validity, reliability, and cultural property of the hope have been estabilished.