Task Analysis of Managers in the Customized Visiting Health Services
Young Ran Han, Young Rye Park, Young Hee Kim, Hee Chung Choi, Mi Ja Chung
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2012;23(2):165-178. Published online June 30, 2012
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12799/jkachn.2012.23.2.165
The aim of this study was to analyze the tasks of managers who were working in the Customized Visiting Health Services (CVHS) and to prioritize analyzed tasks according to performance frequency, perceived importance, and difficulty. METHODS Job analysis method by Hartley (1999) was used for task analysis and performance frequency, perceived importance, and difficulty were used for prioritize as criteria. A total of 85 managers in the CVHS of public health centers nationwide were recruited through e-mail and mail survey. Using SPSS/WIN 15.0, descriptive statistics, such as frequency distribution, means, median, and standard deviation, were conducted to examine each subject's general characteristics, the frequency, importance, and difficulty of the tasks as well as to prioritize the each task. RESULTS The job description of the managers revealed 12 duties, 35 tasks, and 104 task elements. Of the 85 managers, 84.8% were classified as nurses, 40.5% were home health care specialists, and 32.9% were social workers. Their coretasks were management of client cases, budget management, and management of work performance and quality assurance. CONCLUSION Considering the analyzed managers' tasks and core tasks, we need to examine each manager's role precisely and provide various educational programs for improving overall manager competence.
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An Analysis of Articles for Health Promotion Behaviors of Korean Middle-Aged
Young Sil Kang, Mi Ja Chung, Yong Sook Park, Yeong Sook Lee, Hyang Sook Kim, Dong Mae Lee, Dong Won Lee
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2009;20(1):75-86. Published online March 31, 2009
This study has a purpose to suggest research and intervention directions for health promoting behaviors (HPB) of the Korean middle-aged in the future. METHODS Forty four articles on HPB of the Korean middle-aged were reviewed and analyzed. The articles analyzed are theses written for a doctoral or master's degree and published between 1995 and 2007. RESULTS 1. As for the major characteristics of the subject groups, most of them were between 40 and 60 years old (61.4%), were females (79.5%), and resided in cities (84.1%). 2. The dependent variables adopted were physiological, psychological and cognitive factors (self-efficacy, knowledge of health management, etc.), HPB and factors related to Health Promoting Lifestyle Profile (HPLP). 3. The average scores of HPLP were 1.57~3.08 on a 4-point scale. The highest score was observed in self-actualization, and the lowest score in exercise. 4. Self-efficacy, perceived health status and income had significant correlations with HPB. 5. In regression analysis, self-efficacy, self-esteem and perceived health status were the most powerful predictors. CONCLUSION It is necessary to develop intervention tools for more diverse HPB of the Korean middle-aged. The interventions are recommended to focus on increasing exercise and to use strategies for improving self-efficacy and self-esteem.
Development of School Health Nursing Phenomena in Korea by Retrospective Method of ICNP
Young Im Kim, Soon Ok Yang, Myoung Ja Wang, Chung Nam Kim, Hyeon Suk Kim, Tae Nam Park, Mi Ja Chung, Hye Jin Hyun
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2002;13(4):595-607. Published online December 31, 2002
- The objectives of this study were to identify the phenomena of school health nursing at schools in Korea and to contribute to building a school health domain of international Classification for Nursing Practice.
A retrospective method was used in this study to develop ICNP during the period from July to October 2001.
The procedure of the study involved choosing nursing phenomena using preliminary terms from the reports on the field of school health nursing practice documented by nursing students in 10 different nursing colleages.
The detail procedures of the study were as follows.
1) Choosing nursing phenomena by using preliminary terms 2) Choosing the characteristics of school health nursing practice from the selected nursing phenomena 3) In order to make a consensus regarding the appropriate characteristics of phenomena 15 study group members re-categorized the nursing phenomena through 5 times of cyber meetings and 3 times of formal meetings.
4) To verify each characteristic 5 community nursing faculties and 25 school health nurses participated in procedure to give scores on nursing characteristics.
5) classification of the definite nursing phenomena and characteristics.
Following the 5 step procedures school health nursing phenomena were categorized into human and environmental domains Human domains were classified into human behavioral and functional domains Environmental domains were classified into physical and psychosocial domains. The essential characteristics of each phenomena were selected when it obtains the mean score of 3.0 or over at the related characteristics The human behavioral domain consisted of 7 phenomena including risk for spinal disorder inadequate dietary habit inadequate weight control smoking and substance abuse inadequate stress management inadequate sex related coping strategies and inadequate accident management. The human functional domain consisted of 6 phenomena including inadequate eye care and visual management risk for respiratory disorder inadequate dental health care inappropriate infectious disease control risk for gastrointestinal disorder and lack of sexual identify. The physical environmental domain consisted of 6 phenomena including risk for incident at inside classroom risk for incident at outside classroom risk for incident around school risk for exposure to hazardous facilities around school inadequate garbage and disposal management and inadequate physical environment for learning. The psychosocial domain included impaired social interaction at school. Each phenomenon was composed of 2 to 8 characteristics and all phenomena will include a total number of 85 characteristics. The phenomena of school health nursing in Korea partially confirmed school health architecture of ICNP further study on verification of school health nursing phenomena in Korea needs to be done to support the finding of this study through review of literature on nursing classifications or field studies.