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Mi Lim Im 2 Articles
The Attitudes of Nursing Students Towards Poverty: Based on the Factors Causing Poverty and the Factors Caused by Poverty
Soon Ok Yang, Mi Lim Im
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 1999;10(2):525-536.   Published online December 31, 1999
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The result of this study may be abstracted as follows. 1) The study was done on 48.3% seniors(138), 34.3% sophomores. and 17.5% juniors mostly ranging in age from 21 to 22, the largest number of students at 38.1%(109) were Christian. followed by 31.5%(90) were Confucian. 20.6%(59) who were Catholic. and 9.1%(26)who were Buddhist. 2) Concerning the economic views. 46.8%(134) preferred Capitalism 40.9%(117) preferred a combination of Capitalism and Socialism, 8.7%(25) were for more or less Socialistic in view point, and 3.5%(10) for Socialism. 3) Among the internal factors causing poverty, 'lack of ability(knowledge)', scored the highest at 3.528, and 'beauty or appearance' scored the lowest at 1.570. Social factors scored high in 'bad economic/tax policies' at 3.374 and 'low average in wages' at 3.364. Among family matters, 'not much money at home' scored the highest at 3.273, and 'low expectation of success in poor families' scored the lowest at 2.315. On concerns of fate and destiny. 'bad luck' turned out to be the most likely cause of poverty with the score of 2.619. and 'destined poverty' was the least likely cause with the score of 1.969. 4) The high scoring economical consequences of poverty was 'not able to do as one desires' at 3.965, and 'no money to buy things wanted' at 3.804. 'Gets tired of life' (4.028) scored high in psychological consequences showing that poverty affects these matters greatly. 'Looked down on by others' (3.538) scored high in social circumstances, and 'feels like a burden to society' scored low at 2.080. Among family matters. 'hard life' scored high at 4.210, and 'low morality' scored low at 1.972. 5) Significant differences(p=.00) were found between economic views and what significance certain internal factors caused poverty these differences were also related to a reliance on religion, economic views, and economic status. Significant differences were also found between economic status and internal factors causing poverty(p=.04), economic point of view and social factors(p=.01). and economical point of view and luck related matters, (p=.01) When the consequences of poverty were considered. psychological factors such as 'hate towards oneself', 'tired of life', and 'afraid of the future' showed significant differences in relation to economic status. (p=.02) Family matters also showed significant differences in relation to economic status(p=.03), With personal characteristics and wealth causing factors, significant differences were found between a person's economic point of view and ecinomic status when considering and internal or social factors.
An Analysis of Sexual Health Education for Korean Adolescents
Koang Ok Lee, Soon Ok Yang, Mi Lim Im
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 1998;9(2):441-457.   Published online December 31, 1998
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The purpose of this study is to provide fundamental information for the development of new sex education image media through the analysis of those tools produced by Planned Parenthood Federation of Korea. Twenty three video tapes related to the sex education were analysed. The data were sampled on the basis of the sex education instructions for primary and secondary schools published by the Seoul Office of Education in 1996 and the list of sex education information composed by the Planned Parenthood Federation of Korea with the following requirements. The education materials are oriented to the middle and high school students as well a juveniles and are being used in public health centers and schools. The education materials are not confined to the single subject such as AIDS or contraception. Because this study is focused on the analysis of image media, an analysis method widely and effectively used in public media study was chosen. The frequency analysis and percentage treatment were done by an SAS program. The results of the study are as follows : 1. An analysis of the material structure type showed that the frequency of the following subjects in 15 video tapes, composed as drama and cartoon, had this decreasing orde : sex behavior, sex relation ships, sex health, human development, personal technique, and society and culture. 2. The eight tapes of explanation and counseling showed a different sequence from that of the drama and cartoon material, primarily treating human development with 5419 seconds (47.9%) of type. The following were also considered in decreasing order: at 2000seconds (17.6%) sex behavior, at 1366 seconds (12.1%) sex health, at 1240 seconds (11.0%) society and culture, at 667 seconds (6.0%) relation ships, and at 611 seconds (5.4%) personal technique. 3. In a thematic analysis those education materials dealing with human development show this frequency sequence: anatomic physiology, reproduction, and adolescence. In relation, ships the sequence is dates, love, marriage and vows, and family. For personal technique, it is expressed as asking for help, and an empnasis on moral values. For sex behavior, they focus on abstinence, the co-responsibility of sex behavior, the sexual response of the human, and sexual nightmares. For the sex health area, the focus is contraception with abortion and reproductive health following that. In society and culture diversity is considered. 4. An analysis of the differences in production and content between 1980s and 1990s was also done. For materials produced in the 1980s the frequency of the subjects follows this order: sex behavior, human development, relation ships, sex health, personal technique, and society and culture with sub subjects such as abstinence, dating, adolescence, anatomic physiology, reproduction, calls for help, and the sexual response of a human being. For materials produced in the 1990s, highest frequency was sex behavior, the same as the 1980s. The rest of the material follows this decreasing order: relationships, human development, sex health, society and culture, and personal technique with sub subjects such as dating, co-resposibility in sex behavior, abstinence, and love frequently considered.

RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing