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Myung Hee Nam 2 Articles
A Study on Sexual Knowledge, Attitude, and Experience in College Students
Myung Hee Nam
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 1999;10(1):239-251.   Published online June 30, 1999
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The purpose of this survey is to measure the sexual knowledge, attitude, and experience in college students in order to provide better sex education programs and direction. For this study, questionnaires were given to 259 students in K college of Kyongnam and collected during the period of June 1 to June 20, 1998. Data was analyzed using a statistical computer package: SPSS to manipulate the data along with frequency, mean, t-test, F-test and Pearson correlation coeffiency. The results from this study were summarized as follows: 1. Sex related knowledge marked 12.01 at a maximum level of 25. In the areas of Sex physiology(51.8%), genital physiology(49.9%), venereal diseases(44.3%) and contraceptive methods (38.1%), students were shown to have certain levels of knowledge. 2. Sex related attitudes marked 15.35 at a maximum level of 35. The most frank attitudes concerned 'premartial coitus in males' and the most conservative attitudes concerned 'extramarital coitus in females'. 3. Concerning sexual behavior 80.7% of the respondents had associated with the opposite sex. The most frequent behaviors were walking arm in arm (male : 28.6%, female: 36.2%). Their main problems were relationships with the opposite sex(male : 39.2%, female: 24.5%), frustrated sexual desire(male : 26.0%, female: 9.8%) and unwanted pregnacy(male: 15.2%, female: 7.8%) To solve sex problems, respondents intended to consult their friends(male : 35.7%, female: 46. 7%) and become active in sports or recreation (male: 23.4%, female: 11.4%). About 81.2% of male students had a masturbation experience, but only 11.4% of female did, 40.0% of male students had a sexual intercourse experience, but only 13.3% of females did, 7.8% of male students used contraceptive methods, but only 2.9% of females did. 12.3% of male students had a rape experience, but only 10.5% of females did. The proportion of male students who made someone pregnant was 12.3%,however pregnant female were only 6.8% and the proportion of male students who forced someone to have an abortion was 12.3%, females who experienced an abortion were only 5.7%. 4. Regarding genital physiology, there was a statistically significant differences in gender (t=-7.342, p=0.000). Regarding contraceptive methods, there was a statistically significant difference in the father's education level(F=2.421, p=0.036) 5. In sexual attitudes, there were statistically significant differences in gender(t=4.456, p=0.000), religion(F=4.315, p=0.000), high school(F=3.150, p=0.045), habitation form(F=3.164, p=0.0025 and methods of acquiring sexual knowledge(F=2.990, p=0.012). 6. The variables regarding sexual experience were gender, high school, economic status, habitation form, method of acquiring sexual knowledge, and parental attitudes toward sex. From the result of the study, sex education is required and must be taught as a regular course in the curriculum of all Korean schools at all levels.
The Relationship between Health Belief.Self-efficacy and Exercise.Diet Compliance in Coronary Heart Disease Patients
Myung Hee Nam, Chung Nam Kim, Yun Jung Oh
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 1997;8(2):262-276.   Published online December 31, 1997
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This study evaluates the relationship between health belief.self-efficacy and exercise and diet compliance in coronary heart disease patients. The study subjects were 96 CHD patients who visited the outpatient clinic at 3 general hospitals in Taegu city from April 3, 1997 to May 3, 1997. Data was collected by the researcher and two registered nurses who work at a cardiac outpatient clinic. Face-to-face interview was conducted. Moon's health belief scale(l990) and Hicky and others' Cardiac Diet Self-Efficacy Instrument (CDSEI, 1992), Cardiac Exercise Self-Efficacy Instrument (CESEI, 1992) were used. The instrument developed by the researcher based on the reference review was used to measure exercise and diet compliance. The data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation coefficient, t-test, ANOVA, Tukey verification and Stepwise multiple regression with the SAS program. The results of this study were as follows; 1. The degree of health belief(score range: 1-4) perceived benefit: 3.06 barrier: 2.04 severity: 2.93 2. The degree of self-efficacy(score range: 1-5) exercise self-efficacy: 2.91 diet self-efficacy: 3.32 3. The degree of compliance (score range: 1-4) exercise compliance: 2.34 diet compliance: 2.95 4. The exercise compliance had a positive correlation with perceived benefit(r=0.5327, p=0. 0001), severity(r=0.2780, p=0.0061), exercise self-efficacy(r=0.6675, p=0.0001), and a negative correlation with barrier{r= -0.4236, p=0.0001). The diet compliance had a positive correlation with perceived benefit (r=0.6439, p=0.0001), severity(r=0.4244, p=0.0001), diet self-efficacy(r=0.6629, p=0.0001), and a negative correlation with barrier{r= -0.5098, p=0.0001). 5. According to pt's education level, (F=3.02, p=0.0336), received massage from mass media on exercise and diet(t=3.81, p=0.0002), presence of cardiac patients in the family members or friends(t=2.00, p=0.0478), created significant differences in exercise compliance. According to occuption(F=3.03, p=0.0215), hospitalized experience(t=4.59, p=0.0000), presence of chest pain(t=3.63, p=0.0005), there was also a significant difference in diet compliance. 6. The combination of exercise self-efficacy, perceived benefit and pt's education level explained 50.18% of the variance in exercise compliance. The combination of diet self-efficacy, perceived benefit and barrier explained 56.76% of the variance in diet compliance. On the basis of the above findings, the follow ing recommendations are suggested: 1. To promote the exercise. diet compliance for CHD patients, a well organized health teaching and nursing intervention program should be developed. 2. More research is needed to investigate other variables affecting exercise and diet compliance of CHD patients. 3. To promote self-efficacy and a positive health belief in CHD patients, a well organized and an approachable nursing intervention program should be developed. 4. Factors other than diet.exercise compliance should be evaluated to discover the impact on CHD patients.

RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing