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Sang Soon Kim 5 Articles
An Effect of the Health Camp Program for Promoting Self-efficacy in Juvenile Diabetes Mellitus Patients
Sang Soon Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 1997;8(1):102-115.   Published online June 30, 1997
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The purpose of this study was to determine an effect of the health camp program on self-efficacy, sick-role behavioral compliance and glucose metabolism in juvenile diabetes mellitus patients. The quasi-experimental study was designed using a nonequivalent control group pre-posttest design with the framework of Bandura's self-efficacy theory. Forty-two juvenile diabetes mellitus patients participating in this study were selected from outpatients. Of these, twenty-one were assigned to the experimental group and twenty-one to the control group. The period of data collection was from August 8 to December 9 in 1994. The health camp program for the experimental group was carried out over 6 days and the control group did not participate in the program. Collection data was analyzed by means of chi - square test, t - test, ANCOVA, Pearson correlation with SPSS /PC+. The result were summarized as follows: 1. The health camp program was effective in in-creasing the scores of self-efficacy for juven-ile diabetes mellitus patients. 2. The health camp program was effective in increasing the scores of sick - role behavioral compliance for juvenile diabetes mellitus patients. 3. The health camp program was not effective in decreasing the levels of glucose metabolism. 4. The more self-efficacy increased, the more sick - role behavioral compliance increased. 5. Boys showed the higher self-efficacy than girls and the group with diabetes patients whose family members are also patients, showed the higher self-efficacy and sick-role behavioral compliance than the group without diabetic patient among the family members. Thus, it can be concluded that the health camp program was a useful health intervention for juvenile diabetes mellitus patients.
The Evaluation of the Health Status of Migrant Workers
Sang Soon Kim, Ae Ryun Kim, Mi Han Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 1997;8(1):3-20.   Published online June 30, 1997
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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the physical and mental health status of foreign migrant workers in Korea, and to provide basic data for assessment of industrial Nurses, and to contribute to the improvement of their health status. There were 108 workers who participated in this study. They lived in Seoul and the capital region and the data were collected from 11th August to 23th, 1996. The C.M.I. was utilized for the study. The results obtained by this study were as follows: Digestive system and Inadequacy have the largest portion of the physical and mental illness respectively. With regard to physical and mental illness ac cording to the gender, the frequency of illness experienced by women was higher than men in Genitourinary system and Sensitivity. By ages, there were significant differences between those in their 20's and 30's and in their 40's, particularly Ears and Eyes system. There were significant differences in mental health illness according to educational levels. The middle school graduate group had more health ill ness than the group with higher than high school education in Anxiety. There were significant differences in the rate of job satisfaction. The dissatisfied group had more health illness in Eyes and Ears, Miscellaneous diseases, and Inadequacy. The lower the rate of working condition satisfaction, the higher the frequency rate of physical and mental health illness (Eyes and Ears, Musculoskeletal system, Nervous system, Frequency of illness, Habits, Total physical section, Inadequacy, Depression, Anxiety, Anger, Tension, Total mental section) By the accessibility of health services, the group who has respond to difficult had more health illness in Frequency of illness, Anxiety, Anger, Tension and Total mental section. There were significant differences in the reason of difficulty of health services use concerning Eyes and Ears and Miscellaneous diseases. The most important factor to explain the satisfaction of job and working condition was the satisfaction for supervisor.
The Effect of Information on the level of need fulfillment and anxiety of the emergency patient's family members
Sang Soon Kim, Yeon Hee Choi, Mi Han Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 1996;7(2):333-348.   Published online December 31, 1996
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The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of nursing information on the level of need fulfillment and anxiety of the emergency patient's family members. The quasi-experimental study was designed using a noneqivalent control group non-synchronized design. During the first period, 30 subjects were assigned to the control group and 25 to the experimental group at a late period. The experimental group was provided with nursing information via guide booklet designed by the researcher. The control group received only routine care. Data was collected from January 31 to April 16 in 1996 at the K hospital in Taegu and analysed by chi-square test, t-test, ANOVA and Pearson correlation with SAS program. The instruments used for this study were the Family Needs Scale developed by Jung and the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory developed by Spielberger. The results of this study were summarized as follows : 1. The first hypothesis that the family members who received nursing information will have greater need fulfillment than family members who did not receive nursing information was supported. 2. The second hypothesis that the family members who received nursing information will have lower anxiety level than family members who did not receive nursing information was not supported. 3. The third hypothesis that the more the need of family member of emergency patient was met, the lower the anxiety level, was not supported. In conclusion, it was proved that nursing information about the emergency room provides family members with more need fulfillment, but did not decrease the anxiety level.
Factors Related with the Compliance and Treatment in Patients with Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Urban and Suburb Area
Sang Soon Kim, Yoon Ock Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 1996;7(1):69-79.   Published online June 30, 1996
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To investigate the factors related with the compliance and the treatment of the patients with pulmonary tuberculosis in urban and suburb area, we followed up all the 755 registered patients(at urban Public Health Office 544, at suburb 210) as follow from January 1,1992 to December 31, 1993. We describe the general characteristics and the characteristics related with the disease of the patients according to the area as follow. 150 patients(27.5%) were at their age of 20 to 29 years in the urban area, whereas 45 patients (21.4%) were 60 to 69 years and another 45 patients(21.4%) were 70 to 79 years in the suburb area. According to the first chest X -ray examination, 54.5% of all cases were proved to be mild in the urban area. But in the suburb area, moderate cases (44.3%) were more than mild cases(p<0.01). Follow-up X-ray's were performed more properly(p<0.05) in the urban area(94.3%) than in the suburb area(90.0%). Most cases were found in the chest X -ray examination performed by Public Health Office (p<0.01) : payable chest X-ray in the urban area (56.7%) and free chest X-ray in the suburb area(35.2%). More patients were cured in the urban area(90.8%) than in the suburb area(87.1%). The presence of supporting family member were significantly higher(p<0.05) in the urban area(79.1%) than in the suburb area(88.1%). In the analysis of the treatment efficacy, more cure ate were found in the patients cytologically confirmed to be culture (+). In the urban area, 201 culture (+) patients (93.5%) 294 culture (-) patients (89.1%) were cured. In the suburb area, 99 culture (+) patients(91.7%) and 84 culture (-) patients(82.4%) were cured. Age, the presence of supporting family member, and the socioeconomic status of the patient had significant association with the prescription compliance related with the general characteristics of the patients. Whereas, X-ray finding and AFB culture finding were the significant factors associated with the prescription compliance related with pulmonary tuberculosis (p<0.05). The cumulative compliance in the survival analysis was 92.5% in the urban area and 88.1% in suburb area, at sixth month of follow-up. Failure rate for regular drug receipt was highest at second month in the urban area(3.75%) and at fourth month in the suburb area(4.15%). In logistic regression of the factors related with the tratment result, first X-ray examination and prescription compliance were significantly associated in the urban area(p<0.05). However, there is no factor significantly associated with the treatment result in the suburb area. It could be explained by too small size of the sample. In logistic regression of the factors related with the prescription compliance, first chest X-ray, sputum culture outcome and the presence of supporting family member were significant variables in the urban area(p<0.05). Most patients with family member were proved to be compliant with the prescription. This shows that it is important for the patients with long-lasting ilnesses to have supporting family member. Therefore, to improve prescription compliance we should strengthen the health education before the initiation of treatment and take special interest in the patients without supporting family member.
A Study on The Status of Health Examination and Health Management of Industrial Companies in the Taegu and Kyungbook Areas
Sang Soon Kim, Jung Nam Kim, Jung Park, Ok Ran Kim, Kyung Mi Cha, Ou Ke Kwak, Kyung Min Park, Yoon Hee Choi, Kyung Shin Bak
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 1993;4(1):67-76.   Published online June 30, 1993
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The purpose of this study was to find the status of health examination and health management of industrial companies located in Taegu and Kyung book areas. It will provide basic information for the provision of effective health management of industrial workers. 49 companies were selected as a study sample group, and data was collected by using a structured Questionnaire which was developed by the members of the Community Health Nursing Academy of Korean Nursing. The health managers of the companies filled out the Questionnaire. The data was gathered from Dec 20, 1992 to Jan 20. The results of the study was as follows : 1. The Study sample showed 85.7% manufacturing companies having 300 or more workers. 2. All the companies had health managers, and companies which had 1,000 or more workers had industrial physicians and nurses. Only 12.2% of the industrial physicians were full time employees, and almost all industrial nurses were full time employees. Except for industrial physicians and nurses, the proportion of hygienists (6.1%), nurses aids (4.1%), and environmental engineers (22.4%) with full time employment statuss was very low. The mean age of industrial physicians was 49.2 while that of industrial nurses was 27.2. The length of work experiences currently ranges for 1 to 3 years for all health workers: physicians, nurses, hygienists, and environmental engineers. 3. Health examination and follow up care 94.31% took general health examinations. Of those, the proportion of the workers, who were determined as C grade(in need of close examination) was 43.86%. The proportion of the workers who were determined as D grade was 22.19%. 13.28% of the workers evaluated at the D grade were taken as a gauge for temporary leave from work. While 8.7% and .09% of them were taken as gauge for a change in job, and or shortening work hours respectively. The proportion of workers who must have taken special examination was 65.04% and of those the proportion of the workers who actually took, the examination was 98.55%. 75% of the workers who were recommended for follow up care were given follow up care. The special examinations were done the most frequently to detect the effects of physical agents (59.2%). Direct notice to individual workers was used the most frequently as a method of notification after a special examination (61.2%). The length of time taken to receive the result of a special examination was less than 1 month (38.9%) and 36.7% had taken up to two months (36.7%.). Most results of special examination were obtained within 2 months. The referral rate of consulting special examination by health managers was estimated at 95.9%. 4. 89.8% of the companies had. their own company dispensaries and 75.5% of those. had separate dispensaries. 32.7% of the companies designated local clinics for health management of workers. Industrial nurses performed health examination the most frequently(1.4 points). Health appraisal for work places were. done the least(0.83 points).

RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing